Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The Fortnox API is organized around REST. This means that we’ve designed it to have resource-oriented URLs and be as predictable as possible for you as developer.
It also means that we use HTTP status codes when something goes wrong and HTTP verbs understod by many API clients around the web.
We use a modified version of OAuth2 for authentication to offer a secure way for both you and our users to interact.
The API is generally built to support both XML and JSON but in this documentation all the examples will be in JSON.
We encourage you to read all the articles in the Guides & Good to Know section first, before going forward and learning about the different resources.
This to ensure you get an understanding of some of the shared components of the API such as parameters and error handling.
The limit per access-token is 25 requests per 5 seconds. This equals to 300 requests per minute.
Use query parameters with the ?-character and separate parameters with the &-character.
Example: GET - Read more about our parameters here
Search the documentation using the search field in the top left corner.
Prerequisites The partner has an active developer account and a published integration that is purchased through Fortnox.
integrationId required | integer <int64> of the integration to look up sales information for |
[- {
- "amount": 0,
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "orderId": "string",
- "tenantId": "string",
- "type": "string"
Handles types for custom documents.
A custom document is identified by its type and id. Each type belongs to a category, either INBOUND or OUTBOUND.
Note that custom document types are created automatically if necessary when you create custom documents.
The following referenceTypes
are not allowed for
custom document types. Variants of these containing dashes,
underscores, lower case, upper case etc are not allowed either.
Create type, if it doesn't already exists. Note that new custom document types are created automatically when you create custom documents, so normally you do not need to call this method.
Throws HTTP 400 referenceTypeNotAllowed
if the name of the type is not allowed.
The CustomDocumentType
category required | string Enum: "INBOUND" "OUTBOUND" |
referenceType required | string [ 1 .. 25 ] characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ |
{- "category": "INBOUND",
- "referenceType": "a"
Handles Custom Inbound Documents.
A Custom Inbound Document is an externally created document for registering inbound deliveries to warehouse.
type required | string Document type. |
id required | string Document id. |
{- "currency": {
- "currency": "str",
- "rate": 0.000001,
- "unit": 1
}, - "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": "^0",
- "note": "string",
- "rows": [
- {
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "freightCost": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "otherCost": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "rowId": 1,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "type": "a",
- "voided": true,
- "warehouseReady": true
type required | string min 1 character, max 25 characters, may contain letters A-Z, digits 0-9, underscore (_), and dash (-), type is case-insensitive Type is a custom name/reference of the document that will be used to reference the document type |
id required | string min 1 character, max 25 characters, may only contain digits 0-9 |
the CustomInboundDocument
to create
object (warehouse_Currency) | |
date required | string <date> |
id | string [ 1 .. 25 ] characters ^[0-9]+ |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
required | Array of objects (warehouse_CustomInboundDocumentRow) |
type | string [ 1 .. 25 ] characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ |
voided | boolean |
warehouseReady | boolean |
{- "currency": {
- "currency": "str",
- "rate": 0.000001,
- "unit": 1
}, - "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": "^0",
- "note": "string",
- "rows": [
- {
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "freightCost": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "otherCost": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "rowId": 1,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "type": "a",
- "voided": true,
- "warehouseReady": true
{- "currency": {
- "currency": "str",
- "rate": 0.000001,
- "unit": 1
}, - "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": "^0",
- "note": "string",
- "rows": [
- {
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "freightCost": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "otherCost": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "rowId": 1,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "type": "a",
- "voided": true,
- "warehouseReady": true
The document will be locked and bookkept. The inbound deliveries will affect available stock.
type required | string document type |
id required | string document id |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
Voiding a document will undo the possible stock changes that the document had made, note that the document and the transactions created are not deleted. Some limitations apply, see below.
type required | string document type |
id required | string document id |
force | boolean true if the document should be voided even if the document has connected outbounds, defaults to false. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
Handles Custom Outbound Documents.
A Custom Outbound Document is an externally created document for registering outbound deliveries to warehouse.
type required | string document type |
id required | string document id |
{- "averageCosts": [
- {
- "averageCostInSEK": 0,
- "itemId": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "date": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryState": "registration",
- "forcedDelivery": true,
- "id": "^0",
- "note": "string",
- "referenceType": "a",
- "rows": [
- {
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "deliveredQuantity": 0,
- "forcedQuantity": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "reservedQuantity": 0,
- "rowId": 1,
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "voided": true,
- "warehouseReady": true
type required | string the type of the custom outbound document, min 1 character, max 25 characters, may contain letters A-Z, digits 0-9, underscore (_), and dash (-). Always stored as upper case. |
id required | string the id of the custom outbound document, min 1 character, max 25 characters, may only contain digits 0-9 |
the CustomOutboundDocument
to create
Array of objects (warehouse_AverageCost) | |
date required | string <date> |
deliveryState required | string Enum: "registration" "reservation" "delivery" |
forcedDelivery | boolean |
id | string [ 1 .. 25 ] characters ^[0-9]+ |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
referenceType | string [ 1 .. 25 ] characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ |
required | Array of objects (warehouse_CustomOutboundDocumentRow) |
voided | boolean |
warehouseReady | boolean |
{- "averageCosts": [
- {
- "averageCostInSEK": 0,
- "itemId": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "date": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryState": "registration",
- "forcedDelivery": true,
- "id": "^0",
- "note": "string",
- "referenceType": "a",
- "rows": [
- {
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "deliveredQuantity": 0,
- "forcedQuantity": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "reservedQuantity": 0,
- "rowId": 1,
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "voided": true,
- "warehouseReady": true
{- "averageCosts": [
- {
- "averageCostInSEK": 0,
- "itemId": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "date": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryState": "registration",
- "forcedDelivery": true,
- "id": "^0",
- "note": "string",
- "referenceType": "a",
- "rows": [
- {
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "deliveredQuantity": 0,
- "forcedQuantity": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "reservedQuantity": 0,
- "rowId": 1,
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "voided": true,
- "warehouseReady": true
type required | string document type |
id required | string document id |
force | boolean true if the document should be voided even if the document has connected outbounds, defaults to false. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
List incoming goods documents matching the given parameters.
Sortable fields:
released | boolean
completed | boolean
voided | boolean
supplierNumber | string Include only documents with the given |
itemId | string Include only documents with the given |
note | string Include only documents where |
deliveryNote | string Include only documents where |
q | string Include only documents where |
[- {
- "completed": true,
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryNoteId": "string",
- "hasDeliveryNote": true,
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "unmatchedValue": 0,
- "voided": true
The IncomingGoods
completed | boolean |
costCenterCode | string |
date | string <date> |
deliveryNoteId required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
hasDeliveryNote | boolean |
id | integer <int64> |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
projectId | string |
released | boolean |
Array of objects (warehouse_IncomingGoodsRow) | |
stockPointCode | string |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
stockPointName | string |
supplierName | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierNumber | string <= 1024 characters |
voided | boolean |
{- "completed": true,
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryNoteId": "string",
- "hasDeliveryNote": true,
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "backOrderQuantity": 0,
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "invoicedQuantity": 0,
- "isStockItem": true,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "orderedQuantity": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "purchaseOrderRowId": "ba867b0e-f326-42c4-9f43-58bde9b319da",
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "remainingOrderedQuantity": 0,
- "rowOrder": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "takenQuantity": 0
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "voided": true
id required | integer <int64> Incoming goods document id. |
ignoreSupplierInvoiceId | integer <int64> This Supplier Invoice id will be excluded when calculating the takenQuantity. |
{- "completed": true,
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryNoteId": "string",
- "hasDeliveryNote": true,
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "backOrderQuantity": 0,
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "invoicedQuantity": 0,
- "isStockItem": true,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "orderedQuantity": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "purchaseOrderRowId": "ba867b0e-f326-42c4-9f43-58bde9b319da",
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "remainingOrderedQuantity": 0,
- "rowOrder": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "takenQuantity": 0
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "voided": true
Perform a partial update of an IncomingGoods
document. The partial update will update
, deliveryNoteId
, supplierName
and hasDeliveryNote
It is possible to perform a partial update of a released/completed (TODO: ?) document.
id required | integer <int64> Incoming goods document id. |
the incoming goods document to update. The partial update updates
, deliveryNoteId
, supplierName
and hasDeliveryNote
completed | boolean |
costCenterCode | string |
date | string <date> |
deliveryNoteId required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
hasDeliveryNote | boolean |
id | integer <int64> |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
projectId | string |
released | boolean |
Array of objects (warehouse_IncomingGoodsRow) | |
stockPointCode | string |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
stockPointName | string |
supplierName | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierNumber | string <= 1024 characters |
voided | boolean |
{- "completed": true,
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryNoteId": "string",
- "hasDeliveryNote": true,
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "backOrderQuantity": 0,
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "invoicedQuantity": 0,
- "isStockItem": true,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "orderedQuantity": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "purchaseOrderRowId": "ba867b0e-f326-42c4-9f43-58bde9b319da",
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "remainingOrderedQuantity": 0,
- "rowOrder": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "takenQuantity": 0
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "voided": true
id required | integer <int64> Incoming goods document id. |
The IncomingGoods
completed | boolean |
costCenterCode | string |
date | string <date> |
deliveryNoteId required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
hasDeliveryNote | boolean |
id | integer <int64> |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
projectId | string |
released | boolean |
Array of objects (warehouse_IncomingGoodsRow) | |
stockPointCode | string |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
stockPointName | string |
supplierName | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierNumber | string <= 1024 characters |
voided | boolean |
{- "completed": true,
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryNoteId": "string",
- "hasDeliveryNote": true,
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "backOrderQuantity": 0,
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "invoicedQuantity": 0,
- "isStockItem": true,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "orderedQuantity": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "purchaseOrderRowId": "ba867b0e-f326-42c4-9f43-58bde9b319da",
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "remainingOrderedQuantity": 0,
- "rowOrder": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "takenQuantity": 0
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "voided": true
Mark a released Incoming Goods document as Completed. Bookkeeping will be finalized. A Completed Incoming Goods document cannot be matched against any more Supplier Invoices.
id required | integer <int64> Incoming goods document id. |
Date for bookkeeping in format "YYYY-MM-DD"
. Must be between document's release date (inclusive) and today's date (inclusive).
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
The document will be locked and bookkept. The inbound deliveries will affect available stock.
id required | integer <int64> Incoming goods document id. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
Void a document. If an Incoming Goods document has been Completed, or matched against Supplier Invoice, it cannot be voided.
id required | integer <int64> Incoming goods document id. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
Handles listing of ManualDocument
There are three types of Manual Documents in Warehouse:
state | string Enum: "all" "unreleased" "released" "voided" Include only documents with given state. |
type | string Enum: "all" "inbound" "outbound" "stocktransfer" Include only documents with given type. |
itemId | string Include only documents containing the given item. |
{- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryId": 0,
- "entityId": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "type": "Inbound",
- "voided": true
The id
is set automatically.
manual inbound document
currency required | string = 3 characters |
currencyRate required | number >= 0.000001 |
currencyUnit | integer <int32> >= 1 |
date required | string <date> |
id | integer <int64> |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
released | boolean |
required | Array of objects (warehouse_ManualInboundDocumentRow) [ 1 .. 2147483647 ] items |
stockPointCode | string |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
stockPointName | string |
voided | boolean |
{- "currency": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0.000001,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "freightCost": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "otherCost": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "rowId": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "voided": true
{- "currency": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0.000001,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "freightCost": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "otherCost": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "rowId": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "voided": true
id required | integer <int64> Manual Inbound document id. |
{- "currency": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0.000001,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "freightCost": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "otherCost": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "rowId": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "voided": true
When a Manual Inbound has been released, it is locked.
The note
field can still be updated using this endpoint.
id required | integer <int64> Manual Inbound document id. |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
{- "note": "string"
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
id required | integer <int64> Manual Inbound document id. |
Manual Inbound document
currency required | string = 3 characters |
currencyRate required | number >= 0.000001 |
currencyUnit | integer <int32> >= 1 |
date required | string <date> |
id | integer <int64> |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
released | boolean |
required | Array of objects (warehouse_ManualInboundDocumentRow) [ 1 .. 2147483647 ] items |
stockPointCode | string |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
stockPointName | string |
voided | boolean |
{- "currency": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0.000001,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "freightCost": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "otherCost": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "rowId": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "voided": true
{- "currency": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0.000001,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "directCost": 0,
- "freightCost": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "otherCost": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "rowId": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "voided": true
The document will be locked and bookkept.
The following error codes might be thrown:
id required | integer <int64> Manual Inbound document id. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
A released manual inbound document might have connected outbounds, and can only be force voided. Note that a force void operation might cause a negative stock.
The following error codes might be thrown:
id required | integer <int64> Manual Inbound document id. |
force | boolean true if we should force void, defaults to false |
customVoidDate | string <date> date the void operation should be bookkeept on |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
The id
is set automatically.
manual outbound document
date required | string <date> |
id | integer <int64> |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
released | boolean |
required | Array of objects (warehouse_ManualOutboundDocumentRow) <= 2147483647 items |
stockPointCode | string |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
stockPointName | string |
voided | boolean |
{- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "deliveredQuantity": 0,
- "forcedQuantity": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "voided": true
{- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "deliveredQuantity": 0,
- "forcedQuantity": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "voided": true
id required | integer <int64> Manual Outbound document id. |
{- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "deliveredQuantity": 0,
- "forcedQuantity": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "voided": true
When a Manual Outbound has been released, it is locked.
The note
field can still be updated using this endpoint.
id required | integer <int64> Manual Outbound document id |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
{- "note": "string"
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
HTTP code 400 cannot_modify_released_document HTTP code 400 document_is_voided Document is voided. HTTP code 404 not found
id required | integer <int64> Manual Outbound document id. |
Manual Outbound document.
date required | string <date> |
id | integer <int64> |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
released | boolean |
required | Array of objects (warehouse_ManualOutboundDocumentRow) <= 2147483647 items |
stockPointCode | string |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
stockPointName | string |
voided | boolean |
{- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "deliveredQuantity": 0,
- "forcedQuantity": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "voided": true
{- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "deliveredQuantity": 0,
- "forcedQuantity": 0,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string",
- "voided": true
The document will be locked and bookkept.
The following error codes might be thrown:
id required | integer <int64> Manual Outbound document id. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
id required | integer <int64> Manual Outbound document id. |
customVoidDate | string <date> if provided this date will be used as the voided date instead of the document date |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
state | string Enum: "all" "incomplete" "delayed" "completed" "voided" Include only production orders with the given state. Allowed states: all, incomplete, delayed, completed, voided. (Default is incomplete) |
itemId | string Include only production orders with the given production item. |
{- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "documentState": "completed",
- "id": 0,
- "inboundStockLocationId": "58a8b17c-cfb8-461c-a5b0-3bae5ca14b26",
- "inboundStockPointId": "4d7045de-5283-430b-ab64-206c14d83d8a",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "outboundStockPointId": "70dbd7e7-8fb3-4fdd-9672-e1bd6ebda1f9",
- "packageItems": [
- {
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantityRequired": 0,
- "quantityReserved": 0,
- "totalQuantityRequired": 0
], - "productionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "productionState": "registered",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "startDate": "2019-08-24"
Set itemId
to the item to be produced.
Set quantity
to number of units to produce.
Set startDate
to production start state.
ProductionState is set to reserved
by default.
It can also be registered
. Then no reservations
will be made (no quantities will be assigned to the packageItems
Setting outboundStockPointId
(where the packageItems
will be taken from), and inboundStockPointId
(where the
produced item will be put) is mandatory multiple stockpoints has been activated
in the warehouse settings.
Before the document is released, the productionDate
must be set.
The packageItems
to include is easiest to get by calling
the method getRequiredProductionParts
the production order to create ProductionOrder
batch | string |
costCenterCode | string |
documentState | string Enum: "completed" "voided" |
id | integer <int64> |
inboundStockLocationId | string <uuid> |
inboundStockPointId | string <uuid> |
itemDescription | string |
itemId | string |
itemUnit | string |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
outboundStockPointId | string <uuid> |
Array of objects (warehouse_PackageItem) | |
productionDate | string <date> |
productionState required | string Enum: "registered" "reserved" "ongoing" |
projectId | string |
quantity required | number >= 0.01 |
startDate required | string <date> |
{- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "documentState": "completed",
- "id": 0,
- "inboundStockLocationId": "58a8b17c-cfb8-461c-a5b0-3bae5ca14b26",
- "inboundStockPointId": "4d7045de-5283-430b-ab64-206c14d83d8a",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "outboundStockPointId": "70dbd7e7-8fb3-4fdd-9672-e1bd6ebda1f9",
- "packageItems": [
- {
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantityRequired": 0,
- "quantityReserved": 0,
- "totalQuantityRequired": 0
], - "productionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "productionState": "registered",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "startDate": "2019-08-24"
If no parameters are supplied, the totalQuantityRequired
for producing 1 unit is returned.
Query parameter quantity
can optionally be supplied, which will
calculate totalQuantityRequired
If query parameter id
is supplied, it will get the quantity from that
Production Order (the quantity
query parameter is ignored if id
is included).
itemId required | string Production Article id |
id | integer <int64> the id of the production order (optional) |
quantity | string the quantity of the production order (assumed 1 if left empty) |
{- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantityRequired": 0,
- "quantityReserved": 0,
- "totalQuantityRequired": 0
The document will be locked and bookkept.
The following error codes might be thrown:
id required | integer <int64> Production Order document id. |
{- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "documentState": "completed",
- "id": 0,
- "inboundStockLocationId": "58a8b17c-cfb8-461c-a5b0-3bae5ca14b26",
- "inboundStockPointId": "4d7045de-5283-430b-ab64-206c14d83d8a",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "outboundStockPointId": "70dbd7e7-8fb3-4fdd-9672-e1bd6ebda1f9",
- "packageItems": [
- {
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantityRequired": 0,
- "quantityReserved": 0,
- "totalQuantityRequired": 0
], - "productionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "productionState": "registered",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "startDate": "2019-08-24"
A released production order might have connected outbounds, and can only be force voided. Note that a force void operation might cause a negative stock.
id required | integer <int64> Production Order document id. |
force | boolean true to force void a released document, default false |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
id required | integer <int64> Production Order document id. |
{- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "documentState": "completed",
- "id": 0,
- "inboundStockLocationId": "58a8b17c-cfb8-461c-a5b0-3bae5ca14b26",
- "inboundStockPointId": "4d7045de-5283-430b-ab64-206c14d83d8a",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "outboundStockPointId": "70dbd7e7-8fb3-4fdd-9672-e1bd6ebda1f9",
- "packageItems": [
- {
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantityRequired": 0,
- "quantityReserved": 0,
- "totalQuantityRequired": 0
], - "productionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "productionState": "registered",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "startDate": "2019-08-24"
When a Production Order has been released it is locked.
However, the note
field can still be updated using this endpoint.
id required | integer <int64> Production Order document id. |
contains data to be patched onto the production order
note | string <= 1000 characters |
{- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "documentState": "completed",
- "id": 0,
- "inboundStockLocationId": "58a8b17c-cfb8-461c-a5b0-3bae5ca14b26",
- "inboundStockPointId": "4d7045de-5283-430b-ab64-206c14d83d8a",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "outboundStockPointId": "70dbd7e7-8fb3-4fdd-9672-e1bd6ebda1f9",
- "packageItems": [
- {
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantityRequired": 0,
- "quantityReserved": 0,
- "totalQuantityRequired": 0
], - "productionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "productionState": "registered",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "startDate": "2019-08-24"
Note that you must submit the full Production Order document when updating.
id required | integer <int64> Production Order document id. |
the production order data see ProductionOrder
batch | string |
costCenterCode | string |
documentState | string Enum: "completed" "voided" |
id | integer <int64> |
inboundStockLocationId | string <uuid> |
inboundStockPointId | string <uuid> |
itemDescription | string |
itemId | string |
itemUnit | string |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
outboundStockPointId | string <uuid> |
Array of objects (warehouse_PackageItem) | |
productionDate | string <date> |
productionState required | string Enum: "registered" "reserved" "ongoing" |
projectId | string |
quantity required | number >= 0.01 |
startDate required | string <date> |
{- "batch": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "documentState": "completed",
- "id": 0,
- "inboundStockLocationId": "58a8b17c-cfb8-461c-a5b0-3bae5ca14b26",
- "inboundStockPointId": "4d7045de-5283-430b-ab64-206c14d83d8a",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "outboundStockPointId": "70dbd7e7-8fb3-4fdd-9672-e1bd6ebda1f9",
- "packageItems": [
- {
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantityRequired": 0,
- "quantityReserved": 0,
- "totalQuantityRequired": 0
], - "productionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "productionState": "registered",
- "projectId": "string",
- "quantity": 0.01,
- "startDate": "2019-08-24"
List purchase orders matching the given parameters.
Sortable fields:
q | string Include only documents where |
supplierNumber | string Include only documents with the given |
state | string Enum: "NOT_SENT" "SENT" "SENT_NOT_REJECTED" "DELAYED" "RECEIVED" "VOIDED" "CURRENT" "ALL" Include only documents with the given |
itemId | string Include only documents with the given |
purchaseType | string Enum: "WAREHOUSE" "DROPSHIP" Include only documents with the given |
internalReference | string Include only documents where `internalReference' contains the given text (case-insensitive). |
note | string Include only documents where |
{- "confirmationEmail": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "customerId": "string",
- "customerName": "string",
- "customerNumber": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "dropship": true,
- "id": 0,
- "internalReference": "string",
- "languageCode": "str",
- "manuallyCompleted": true,
- "messageToSupplier": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "orderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "orderValue": 0,
- "orderValueInSEK": 0,
- "ourReference": "string",
- "outboundDocumentReference": {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "paymentTermsCode": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderState": "NOT_SENT",
- "purchaseType": "WAREHOUSE",
- "responseState": "NOT_SENT",
- "rows": [
- {
- "backOrderQuantity": 0,
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "isStockItem": true,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "notes": [
- {
- "note": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "purchaseOrderRowId": "ba867b0e-f326-42c4-9f43-58bde9b319da",
- "rowNum": 0
], - "orderedQuantity": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "remainingOrderedQuantity": 0,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "supplier": "string",
- "supplierAddress": "string",
- "supplierAddress2": "string",
- "supplierCity": "string",
- "supplierCountryCode": "str",
- "supplierEmail": "string",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "supplierPostCode": "string",
- "totalReceivedQuantity": 0,
- "translatedResponseState": "string",
- "voided": true,
- "yourReference": "string"
confirmationEmail | string <= 100 characters |
costCenterCode | string <= 25 characters |
currencyCode required | string <= 3 characters |
currencyRate required | number |
currencyUnit | integer <int32> >= 1 |
customerId | string <= 25 characters |
customerName | string <= 1024 characters |
customerNumber | string <= 1024 characters |
deliveryAddress required | string [ 1 .. 1024 ] characters |
deliveryAddress2 | string <= 1024 characters |
deliveryCity required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
deliveryCountryCode | string <= 3 characters |
deliveryDate | string <date> |
deliveryName required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
deliveryZipCode required | string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters |
dropship | boolean |
id | integer <int64> |
internalReference | string <= 50 characters |
languageCode | string <= 3 characters |
manuallyCompleted | boolean |
messageToSupplier | string <= 1000 characters |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
orderDate required | string <date> |
orderValue | number |
orderValueInSEK | number |
ourReference | string <= 50 characters |
object (warehouse_DocumentReference) | |
paymentTermsCode required | string <= 20 characters |
projectId | string <= 25 characters |
purchaseType | string Enum: "WAREHOUSE" "DROPSHIP" |
Array of objects (warehouse_PurchaseOrderRow) | |
stockPointCode | string |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
supplier | string |
supplierAddress | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierAddress2 | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierCity | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierCountryCode | string <= 3 characters |
supplierEmail | string <= 100 characters |
supplierName | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierNumber required | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierPostCode | string <= 1024 characters |
totalReceivedQuantity | number |
translatedResponseState | string |
voided | boolean |
yourReference | string <= 50 characters |
{- "confirmationEmail": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "customerId": "string",
- "customerName": "string",
- "customerNumber": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "dropship": true,
- "id": 0,
- "internalReference": "string",
- "languageCode": "str",
- "manuallyCompleted": true,
- "messageToSupplier": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "orderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "orderValue": 0,
- "orderValueInSEK": 0,
- "ourReference": "string",
- "outboundDocumentReference": {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "paymentTermsCode": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderState": "NOT_SENT",
- "purchaseType": "WAREHOUSE",
- "responseState": "NOT_SENT",
- "rows": [
- {
- "backOrderQuantity": 0,
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "isStockItem": true,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "notes": [
- {
- "note": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "purchaseOrderRowId": "ba867b0e-f326-42c4-9f43-58bde9b319da",
- "rowNum": 0
], - "orderedQuantity": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "remainingOrderedQuantity": 0,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "supplier": "string",
- "supplierAddress": "string",
- "supplierAddress2": "string",
- "supplierCity": "string",
- "supplierCountryCode": "str",
- "supplierEmail": "string",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "supplierPostCode": "string",
- "totalReceivedQuantity": 0,
- "translatedResponseState": "string",
- "voided": true,
- "yourReference": "string"
q | string Include only documents where |
supplierNumber | string Include only documents with the given |
state | string Enum: "NOT_SENT" "SENT" "SENT_NOT_REJECTED" "DELAYED" "RECEIVED" "VOIDED" "CURRENT" "ALL" Include only documents with the given |
itemId | string Include only documents with the given |
purchaseType | string Enum: "WAREHOUSE" "DROPSHIP" Include only documents with the given |
internalReference | string Include only documents where `internalReference' contains the given text (case-insensitive). |
note | string Include only documents where |
showPurchaseTypeColumn | boolean True to include the purchase type column, default is false. |
ids | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] List of purchase order ids. |
The new response state.
{- "confirmationEmail": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "customerId": "string",
- "customerName": "string",
- "customerNumber": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "dropship": true,
- "id": 0,
- "internalReference": "string",
- "languageCode": "str",
- "manuallyCompleted": true,
- "messageToSupplier": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "orderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "orderValue": 0,
- "orderValueInSEK": 0,
- "ourReference": "string",
- "outboundDocumentReference": {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "paymentTermsCode": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderState": "NOT_SENT",
- "purchaseType": "WAREHOUSE",
- "responseState": "NOT_SENT",
- "rows": [
- {
- "backOrderQuantity": 0,
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "isStockItem": true,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "notes": [
- {
- "note": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "purchaseOrderRowId": "ba867b0e-f326-42c4-9f43-58bde9b319da",
- "rowNum": 0
], - "orderedQuantity": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "remainingOrderedQuantity": 0,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "supplier": "string",
- "supplierAddress": "string",
- "supplierAddress2": "string",
- "supplierCity": "string",
- "supplierCountryCode": "str",
- "supplierEmail": "string",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "supplierPostCode": "string",
- "totalReceivedQuantity": 0,
- "translatedResponseState": "string",
- "voided": true,
- "yourReference": "string"
id required | integer <int64> Purchase order id. |
ignoreIncomingGoodsId | integer <int64> used for calculating the remaining ordered quantity. null will take the received quantity from all incoming goods |
{- "confirmationEmail": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "customerId": "string",
- "customerName": "string",
- "customerNumber": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "dropship": true,
- "id": 0,
- "internalReference": "string",
- "languageCode": "str",
- "manuallyCompleted": true,
- "messageToSupplier": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "orderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "orderValue": 0,
- "orderValueInSEK": 0,
- "ourReference": "string",
- "outboundDocumentReference": {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "paymentTermsCode": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderState": "NOT_SENT",
- "purchaseType": "WAREHOUSE",
- "responseState": "NOT_SENT",
- "rows": [
- {
- "backOrderQuantity": 0,
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "isStockItem": true,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "notes": [
- {
- "note": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "purchaseOrderRowId": "ba867b0e-f326-42c4-9f43-58bde9b319da",
- "rowNum": 0
], - "orderedQuantity": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "remainingOrderedQuantity": 0,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "supplier": "string",
- "supplierAddress": "string",
- "supplierAddress2": "string",
- "supplierCity": "string",
- "supplierCountryCode": "str",
- "supplierEmail": "string",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "supplierPostCode": "string",
- "totalReceivedQuantity": 0,
- "translatedResponseState": "string",
- "voided": true,
- "yourReference": "string"
id required | integer <int64> Purchase order id. |
The PurchaseOrder
confirmationEmail | string <= 100 characters |
costCenterCode | string <= 25 characters |
currencyCode required | string <= 3 characters |
currencyRate required | number |
currencyUnit | integer <int32> >= 1 |
customerId | string <= 25 characters |
customerName | string <= 1024 characters |
customerNumber | string <= 1024 characters |
deliveryAddress required | string [ 1 .. 1024 ] characters |
deliveryAddress2 | string <= 1024 characters |
deliveryCity required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
deliveryCountryCode | string <= 3 characters |
deliveryDate | string <date> |
deliveryName required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
deliveryZipCode required | string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters |
dropship | boolean |
id | integer <int64> |
internalReference | string <= 50 characters |
languageCode | string <= 3 characters |
manuallyCompleted | boolean |
messageToSupplier | string <= 1000 characters |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
orderDate required | string <date> |
orderValue | number |
orderValueInSEK | number |
ourReference | string <= 50 characters |
object (warehouse_DocumentReference) | |
paymentTermsCode required | string <= 20 characters |
projectId | string <= 25 characters |
purchaseType | string Enum: "WAREHOUSE" "DROPSHIP" |
Array of objects (warehouse_PurchaseOrderRow) | |
stockPointCode | string |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
supplier | string |
supplierAddress | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierAddress2 | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierCity | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierCountryCode | string <= 3 characters |
supplierEmail | string <= 100 characters |
supplierName | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierNumber required | string <= 1024 characters |
supplierPostCode | string <= 1024 characters |
totalReceivedQuantity | number |
translatedResponseState | string |
voided | boolean |
yourReference | string <= 50 characters |
{- "confirmationEmail": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "customerId": "string",
- "customerName": "string",
- "customerNumber": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "dropship": true,
- "id": 0,
- "internalReference": "string",
- "languageCode": "str",
- "manuallyCompleted": true,
- "messageToSupplier": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "orderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "orderValue": 0,
- "orderValueInSEK": 0,
- "ourReference": "string",
- "outboundDocumentReference": {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "paymentTermsCode": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderState": "NOT_SENT",
- "purchaseType": "WAREHOUSE",
- "responseState": "NOT_SENT",
- "rows": [
- {
- "backOrderQuantity": 0,
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "isStockItem": true,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "notes": [
- {
- "note": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "purchaseOrderRowId": "ba867b0e-f326-42c4-9f43-58bde9b319da",
- "rowNum": 0
], - "orderedQuantity": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "remainingOrderedQuantity": 0,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "supplier": "string",
- "supplierAddress": "string",
- "supplierAddress2": "string",
- "supplierCity": "string",
- "supplierCountryCode": "str",
- "supplierEmail": "string",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "supplierPostCode": "string",
- "totalReceivedQuantity": 0,
- "translatedResponseState": "string",
- "voided": true,
- "yourReference": "string"
The purchase order will be treated as fully received. Any remaining quantity will be ignored.
id required | integer <int64> Purchase order id. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
Perform a partial update of a purchase order, see PartialPurchaseOrder
for possible
fields that are updateable.
id required | integer <int64> Purchase order id. |
the changes for the purchase order, see PartialPurchaseOrder
deliveryDate | string <date> |
internalReference | string <= 50 characters |
messageToSupplier | string <= 1000 characters |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
supplierName | string <= 1024 characters |
{- "deliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "internalReference": "string",
- "messageToSupplier": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "supplierName": "string"
id required | integer <int64> Purchase order id. |
The new response state.
{- "confirmationEmail": "string",
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "currencyRate": 0,
- "currencyUnit": 1,
- "customerId": "string",
- "customerName": "string",
- "customerNumber": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "dropship": true,
- "id": 0,
- "internalReference": "string",
- "languageCode": "str",
- "manuallyCompleted": true,
- "messageToSupplier": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "orderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "orderValue": 0,
- "orderValueInSEK": 0,
- "ourReference": "string",
- "outboundDocumentReference": {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "paymentTermsCode": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderState": "NOT_SENT",
- "purchaseType": "WAREHOUSE",
- "responseState": "NOT_SENT",
- "rows": [
- {
- "backOrderQuantity": 0,
- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "currencyCode": "str",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "isStockItem": true,
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "notes": [
- {
- "note": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "purchaseOrderRowId": "ba867b0e-f326-42c4-9f43-58bde9b319da",
- "rowNum": 0
], - "orderedQuantity": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "projectId": "string",
- "purchaseOrderId": 0,
- "receivedQuantity": 0,
- "remainingOrderedQuantity": 0,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "stockLocationCode": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockLocationName": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockPointName": "string"
], - "stockPointCode": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "supplier": "string",
- "supplierAddress": "string",
- "supplierAddress2": "string",
- "supplierCity": "string",
- "supplierCountryCode": "str",
- "supplierEmail": "string",
- "supplierName": "string",
- "supplierNumber": "string",
- "supplierPostCode": "string",
- "totalReceivedQuantity": 0,
- "translatedResponseState": "string",
- "voided": true,
- "yourReference": "string"
Sends the purchase order with the specified id
to the recipient and sets the purchase order state to SENT
id required | integer <int64> Purchase order id. |
see PurchaseOrderMailSettings
body required | string |
bodyAsHtml | string |
receiver required | string |
receiverCopy | string |
receiverSecretCopy | string |
replyTo required | string |
senderName | string |
subject required | string |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
List stock points, optionally include a query parameter `q` to filter on stock point code or name.
Use query param `state` to filter on ACTIVE, INACTIVE or ALL (default is to include only ACTIVE stock points).
Stock locations are NOT included in the response.
q | string filters on stock point code or name. |
state | string Enum: "ALL" "ACTIVE" "INACTIVE" filter on stock point state |
{- "active": true,
- "code": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryPhone": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockLocations": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "usingCompanyAddress": true
Both code
and name
are mandatory.
If you want to set a custom delivery address for this stock point,
you must remember to set usingCompanyAddress
to false
Returns 400 alreadyexists
if a stock point with same code already exists.
Returns 400 duplicatestocklocations
if two or more stock locations have the same code.
stock point
active | boolean |
code required | string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters |
deliveryAddress | string <= 50 characters |
deliveryAddress2 | string <= 50 characters |
deliveryCity | string <= 50 characters |
deliveryCountryCode | string <= 3 characters |
deliveryName | string <= 50 characters |
deliveryPhone | string <= 50 characters |
deliveryZipCode | string <= 10 characters |
id | string <uuid> |
name required | string [ 1 .. 25 ] characters |
Array of objects (warehouse_StockLocation) | |
usingCompanyAddress | boolean |
{- "active": true,
- "code": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryPhone": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockLocations": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "usingCompanyAddress": true
{- "active": true,
- "code": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryPhone": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockLocations": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "usingCompanyAddress": true
Get stock points by IDs.
Use query param `state` to filter on ACTIVE, INACTIVE or ALL (default is to include ALL stock points).
Stock locations are NOT included in the response.
ids | Array of strings <uuid> [ items <uuid > ] stock point ids (comma separated list of UUIDs) |
state | string Enum: "ALL" "ACTIVE" "INACTIVE" filter on |
{- "active": true,
- "code": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryPhone": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockLocations": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "usingCompanyAddress": true
Note that it is not allowed to delete a stock point that is in use.
id required | string <uuid> id |
{- "active": true,
- "code": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryPhone": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockLocations": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "usingCompanyAddress": true
Get stock point by id or code.
id required | string stock point code, or stock point id |
{- "active": true,
- "code": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryPhone": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockLocations": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "usingCompanyAddress": true
Add new stock locations to specific StockPoint
If you include an already existing stock location code, it will be ignored.
id required | string <uuid> stock point id |
A list of StockLocations
to append.
code required | string [ 1 .. 20 ] characters |
id | string <uuid> |
name | string <= 25 characters |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
[- {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
{- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
Remember to supply the complete representation of stock point including stock locations.
id required | string <uuid> id |
complete representation of stock point including stock locations.
active | boolean |
code required | string [ 1 .. 10 ] characters |
deliveryAddress | string <= 50 characters |
deliveryAddress2 | string <= 50 characters |
deliveryCity | string <= 50 characters |
deliveryCountryCode | string <= 3 characters |
deliveryName | string <= 50 characters |
deliveryPhone | string <= 50 characters |
deliveryZipCode | string <= 10 characters |
id | string <uuid> |
name required | string [ 1 .. 25 ] characters |
Array of objects (warehouse_StockLocation) | |
usingCompanyAddress | boolean |
{- "active": true,
- "code": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryPhone": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockLocations": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "usingCompanyAddress": true
{- "active": true,
- "code": "string",
- "deliveryAddress": "string",
- "deliveryAddress2": "string",
- "deliveryCity": "string",
- "deliveryCountryCode": "str",
- "deliveryName": "string",
- "deliveryPhone": "string",
- "deliveryZipCode": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockLocations": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
], - "usingCompanyAddress": true
List stock locations for a specific stock point.
Optionally include a query parameter `q` to filter on stock location code or name.
id required | string stock point id or code |
q | string filters on stock location code or name. |
{- "code": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c"
Get stock balance for each stockpoint.
Returns a list of itemId
, stockPointCode
, inStock
(The difference between availableStock
and inStock
is the reserved amount.)
itemIds | Array of strings Optional filter on itemIds (comma-separated) |
stockPointCodes | Array of strings Optional filter on stock point codes (comma-separated). |
{- "availableStock": 0,
- "inStock": 0,
- "itemId": "string",
- "stockPointCode": "string"
Handles stock taking.
A Stock Taking document is created in state "planning". Rows, containing item-stockpoint-stocklocation combinations to be counted, are added to the Stock Taking document.
When the planning is done, the Stock Taking document is updated to state "started", and the stock taking begins.
Setting the stock taken quantity is done by updating the Stock Taking document, and supplying the counted rows. This can be done in "batches", i.e. not all rows needs to be updated at once.
When the stock taking is done, the document is released. The release process will adjust the stock for the stock taking date, and prepare the warehouse bookkeeping data.
Sortable fields:
state | string Enum: "all" "planning" "started" "completed" "voided" Include only stock takings with the given state. |
itemId | string Include only stock takings with the given item. |
{- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "responsible": "string",
- "rows": [
- {
- "countedBy": "string",
- "currentRowNo": 0,
- "hasPostReleaseStockChanges": true,
- "id": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockTakenQuantity": 0,
- "stockTakingId": 0,
- "stockTakingRowId": "string",
- "totalQuantityInStock": 0
], - "sortParams": {
- "primarySort": "string",
- "primarySortOrder": "string",
- "secondarySort": "string",
- "secondarySortOrder": "string"
}, - "sortingId": 0,
- "state": "planning|started|completed|voided",
- "usingStockPoints": true
Create a new Stock Taking document.
The only mandatory fields are name
and responsible
will be set to planning
for a newly created document.
The date
-field is not mandatory for documents in state planning
However, when you update the state to started
you have to provide a date.
is a descriptive name of the stock taking.
is the name of the responsible for the stock taking.
are added after creation by using the addRows-method.
and costCenterCode
are used for book-keeping, when the
Stock Taking document is released.
The field usingStockPoints
is set from Warehouse system settings upon creation.
If multiple stockpoints is used, then the rows will be per item-stockPoint-stockLocation.
If multiple stockpoints is NOT used, then the rows will be per item-stockLocation.
stock taking
costCenterCode | string |
date | string <date> |
id | integer <int64> |
name required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
projectId | string |
responsible required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
Array of objects (warehouse_StockTakingRow) | |
object (warehouse_StockTakingSortParams) | |
sortingId | integer <int32> |
state required | stringplanning|started|completed|voided |
usingStockPoints | boolean |
{- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "responsible": "string",
- "rows": [
- {
- "countedBy": "string",
- "currentRowNo": 0,
- "hasPostReleaseStockChanges": true,
- "id": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockTakenQuantity": 0,
- "stockTakingId": 0,
- "stockTakingRowId": "string",
- "totalQuantityInStock": 0
], - "sortParams": {
- "primarySort": "string",
- "primarySortOrder": "string",
- "secondarySort": "string",
- "secondarySortOrder": "string"
}, - "sortingId": 0,
- "state": "planning|started|completed|voided",
- "usingStockPoints": true
Permanently deletes a Stock Taking document and its rows.
Only for documents in state planning
and started
id required | integer <int64> Stock Taking document id. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
id required | integer <int64> Stock Taking document id. |
{- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "responsible": "string",
- "rows": [
- {
- "countedBy": "string",
- "currentRowNo": 0,
- "hasPostReleaseStockChanges": true,
- "id": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockTakenQuantity": 0,
- "stockTakingId": 0,
- "stockTakingRowId": "string",
- "totalQuantityInStock": 0
], - "sortParams": {
- "primarySort": "string",
- "primarySortOrder": "string",
- "secondarySort": "string",
- "secondarySortOrder": "string"
}, - "sortingId": 0,
- "state": "planning|started|completed|voided",
- "usingStockPoints": true
Updates can only be done when state is planning
or started
All updatable fields (date
, name
, responsible
, sortingId
, costCenterCode
, projectId
in the document head are set to supplied values.
You cannot set state
to completed
or voided
. Use endpoints
release or void for this.
The date
-field is mandatory for documents in state started
When state is started
you use this endpoint for setting the stock taken quantity.
Only existing rows can be updated - no new rows will be created (use the addRows endpoint for this).
Only the supplied rows will be updated. I.e. you don't have to send in all
document rows - just supply the rows you want to set stockTakenQuantity for. Just make sure
to always include all the fields from the document head as mentioned above.
The mandatory fields on the (optionally supplied) rows are: itemId
, stockLocationId
Fields countedBy
and stockTakenQuantity
are technically
not mandatory, but will be set to null if you don't supply them.
id required | integer <int64> Stock Taking document id. |
stock taking
costCenterCode | string |
date | string <date> |
id | integer <int64> |
name required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
projectId | string |
responsible required | string [ 1 .. 50 ] characters |
Array of objects (warehouse_StockTakingRow) | |
object (warehouse_StockTakingSortParams) | |
sortingId | integer <int32> |
state required | stringplanning|started|completed|voided |
usingStockPoints | boolean |
{- "costCenterCode": "string",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "projectId": "string",
- "responsible": "string",
- "rows": [
- {
- "countedBy": "string",
- "currentRowNo": 0,
- "hasPostReleaseStockChanges": true,
- "id": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockTakenQuantity": 0,
- "stockTakingId": 0,
- "stockTakingRowId": "string",
- "totalQuantityInStock": 0
], - "sortParams": {
- "primarySort": "string",
- "primarySortOrder": "string",
- "secondarySort": "string",
- "secondarySortOrder": "string"
}, - "sortingId": 0,
- "state": "planning|started|completed|voided",
- "usingStockPoints": true
Add all matching candidate rows to a stock taking, as specified by filters.
id required | integer <int64> Stock Taking document id. |
itemIds | Array of strings |
supplierNumbers | Array of strings |
stockPointIds | Array of strings |
stockLocationIds | Array of strings |
transactionDate | string <date> |
itemIdSearch | string |
itemDescriptionSearch | string |
excludeZeroBalanceItems | boolean |
excludeNonInboundItems | boolean |
A candidate row is a combination of itemId, stockPointId and stockLocationId that can be added to the Stock Taking document.
Rows already added to the Stock Taking are excluded from this list.
id required | integer <int64> Stock Taking document id. |
itemIds | Array of strings |
supplierNumbers | Array of strings |
stockPointIds | Array of strings |
stockLocationIds | Array of strings |
transactionDate | string <date> |
itemIdSearch | string |
itemDescriptionSearch | string |
excludeZeroBalanceItems | boolean |
includeNonInboundItems | boolean Include items that do not exist on inbound deliveries. |
{- "countedBy": "string",
- "currentRowNo": 0,
- "hasPostReleaseStockChanges": true,
- "id": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockTakenQuantity": 0,
- "stockTakingId": 0,
- "stockTakingRowId": "string",
- "totalQuantityInStock": 0
The document will be locked and bookkept.
The Stock Taking document state will be set to completed
The stock amount will be adjusted according to the stock taken quantity.
id required | integer <int64> Stock Taking document id. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
Remove all rows matching the filter parameters from the Stock Taking document.
id required | integer <int64> Stock Taking document id. |
itemIds | Array of strings |
supplierNumbers | Array of strings |
stockPointIds | Array of strings |
stockLocationIds | Array of strings |
transactionDate | string <date> |
itemIdSearch | string |
itemDescriptionSearch | string |
excludeZeroBalanceItems | boolean |
id required | integer <int64> Stock Taking document id. |
itemIds | Array of strings |
supplierNumbers | Array of strings |
stockPointIds | Array of strings |
stockLocationIds | Array of strings |
transactionDate | string <date> |
itemIdSearch | string |
itemDescriptionSearch | string |
excludeZeroBalanceItems | boolean |
secondarysortby | string Secondary sorting column |
secondaryorder | string Secondary sorting order |
stateFilter | string Enum: "all" "notStockTaken" "stockTakenNoDeviation" "stockTakenWithDeviation" |
startingRowNo | integer <int32> the row number to start the search from, used with startingItemId to jump to specific rows, can be empty |
startingItemId | string the itemId that should be on top of the rows list (used to jump to specific row), can be empty |
{- "countedBy": "string",
- "currentRowNo": 0,
- "hasPostReleaseStockChanges": true,
- "id": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "stockLocationId": "c039ed46-ada4-4486-8700-89747e000395",
- "stockPointId": "7dcf5601-6c82-49ce-8b36-2dd2c353c71c",
- "stockTakenQuantity": 0,
- "stockTakingId": 0,
- "stockTakingRowId": "string",
- "totalQuantityInStock": 0
Add rows to a stock taking. If you add an already existing row noting happens.
id required | integer <int64> Stock Taking document id. |
A list of StockTakingRows
countedBy | string <= 100 characters |
currentRowNo | integer <int32> |
hasPostReleaseStockChanges | boolean |
id | string |
itemId | string <= 50 characters |
stockLocationId | string <uuid> |
stockPointId | string <uuid> |
stockTakenQuantity | number |
stockTakingId | integer <int64> |
stockTakingRowId | string |
totalQuantityInStock | number |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
Sets the Stock Taking document state to voided
Only documents in state planning
and started
can be voided. A completed
document may not be voided.
id required | integer <int64> Stock Taking document id. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
Handles StockTransferDocument
A Stock Transfer moves stock from one location to another. You request a quantity to be moved. The quantity is reserved, and delivered upon release of the Stock Transfer document. The "delivery" makes an inbound delivery to the new location.
Outbounds will be reserved in the from-place. Inbounds are created upon release of the stock transfer document.
stock transfer document
id | integer <int64> >= 1 |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
released | boolean |
required | Array of objects (warehouse_StockTransferRow) |
transferDate | string <date> |
version | integer <int64> |
voided | boolean |
{- "id": 1,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "fromStockLocationCode": "string",
- "fromStockLocationId": "c00aef40-027a-4fa7-b15b-4c621a0c3ac9",
- "fromStockLocationName": "string",
- "fromStockPointCode": "string",
- "fromStockPointId": "be01ff43-f0a0-4da1-a244-ff5f60f64cf2",
- "fromStockPointName": "string",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "requestedQuantity": 0.01,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "toStockLocationCode": "string",
- "toStockLocationId": "366d1d35-777f-4868-8f42-62f0e59d958f",
- "toStockLocationName": "string",
- "toStockPointCode": "string",
- "toStockPointId": "3eb65cd6-b3ed-4dac-87a4-8d2c4ae4bd51",
- "toStockPointName": "string"
], - "transferDate": "2019-08-24",
- "version": 0,
- "voided": true
{- "id": 1,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "fromStockLocationCode": "string",
- "fromStockLocationId": "c00aef40-027a-4fa7-b15b-4c621a0c3ac9",
- "fromStockLocationName": "string",
- "fromStockPointCode": "string",
- "fromStockPointId": "be01ff43-f0a0-4da1-a244-ff5f60f64cf2",
- "fromStockPointName": "string",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "requestedQuantity": 0.01,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "toStockLocationCode": "string",
- "toStockLocationId": "366d1d35-777f-4868-8f42-62f0e59d958f",
- "toStockLocationName": "string",
- "toStockPointCode": "string",
- "toStockPointId": "3eb65cd6-b3ed-4dac-87a4-8d2c4ae4bd51",
- "toStockPointName": "string"
], - "transferDate": "2019-08-24",
- "version": 0,
- "voided": true
id required | integer <int64> Stock Transfer document id. |
{- "id": 1,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "fromStockLocationCode": "string",
- "fromStockLocationId": "c00aef40-027a-4fa7-b15b-4c621a0c3ac9",
- "fromStockLocationName": "string",
- "fromStockPointCode": "string",
- "fromStockPointId": "be01ff43-f0a0-4da1-a244-ff5f60f64cf2",
- "fromStockPointName": "string",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "requestedQuantity": 0.01,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "toStockLocationCode": "string",
- "toStockLocationId": "366d1d35-777f-4868-8f42-62f0e59d958f",
- "toStockLocationName": "string",
- "toStockPointCode": "string",
- "toStockPointId": "3eb65cd6-b3ed-4dac-87a4-8d2c4ae4bd51",
- "toStockPointName": "string"
], - "transferDate": "2019-08-24",
- "version": 0,
- "voided": true
id required | integer <int64> Stock Transfer document id. |
The StockTransferDocument
id | integer <int64> >= 1 |
note | string <= 1000 characters |
released | boolean |
required | Array of objects (warehouse_StockTransferRow) |
transferDate | string <date> |
version | integer <int64> |
voided | boolean |
{- "id": 1,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "fromStockLocationCode": "string",
- "fromStockLocationId": "c00aef40-027a-4fa7-b15b-4c621a0c3ac9",
- "fromStockLocationName": "string",
- "fromStockPointCode": "string",
- "fromStockPointId": "be01ff43-f0a0-4da1-a244-ff5f60f64cf2",
- "fromStockPointName": "string",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "requestedQuantity": 0.01,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "toStockLocationCode": "string",
- "toStockLocationId": "366d1d35-777f-4868-8f42-62f0e59d958f",
- "toStockLocationName": "string",
- "toStockPointCode": "string",
- "toStockPointId": "3eb65cd6-b3ed-4dac-87a4-8d2c4ae4bd51",
- "toStockPointName": "string"
], - "transferDate": "2019-08-24",
- "version": 0,
- "voided": true
{- "id": 1,
- "note": "string",
- "released": true,
- "rows": [
- {
- "fromStockLocationCode": "string",
- "fromStockLocationId": "c00aef40-027a-4fa7-b15b-4c621a0c3ac9",
- "fromStockLocationName": "string",
- "fromStockPointCode": "string",
- "fromStockPointId": "be01ff43-f0a0-4da1-a244-ff5f60f64cf2",
- "fromStockPointName": "string",
- "itemDescription": "string",
- "itemId": "string",
- "itemUnit": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "requestedQuantity": 0.01,
- "rowNum": 0,
- "toStockLocationCode": "string",
- "toStockLocationId": "366d1d35-777f-4868-8f42-62f0e59d958f",
- "toStockLocationName": "string",
- "toStockPointCode": "string",
- "toStockPointId": "3eb65cd6-b3ed-4dac-87a4-8d2c4ae4bd51",
- "toStockPointName": "string"
], - "transferDate": "2019-08-24",
- "version": 0,
- "voided": true
This will deliver all outbounds which are reserved in from-place, and create inbounds in the to-place. Nothing happens if you releasr an already released stock transfer document.
Returns document_is_voided
if document is voided.
id required | integer <int64> Stock Transfer document id. |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
Voiding a released stock transfer document is not allowed, and
will return cannot_modify_released_document
id required | integer <int64> Stock Transfer document id. |
force | boolean |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
Response property descriptions:
id - The unique id of a basic common combination of article registrations. (The basic common combination means "user/purchase date/customer/project/cost center", which leads to a dialog with several article registrations.)
purchaseDate - The date on which the article is purchased or registered for charging.
ownerId - The user ID who creates the basic common combination.
version - The version of the basic common combination (article dialog) being updated, which is used for handling the concurrency issue.
registrationType - It is always "ARTICLE" for article list endpoint.
Sub-Class - ArticleRegistration:
id - The unique id of an article registration.
registrationId - The id of the basic common combination.
orderIndex - the order index for the article registration in regard of the common combination.
ownerId - The user ID who owns the article registration.
totalQuantity - The quantity of the article.
unitPrice - The unit price connected to the article registration, which might be locked on an invoice/order basis or for non-invoiceable.
unitCost - The unit cost connected to the article registration, which might be locked on an invoice/order basis.
invoiceBasisId - The ID of invoice/order basis which is used for creating an invoice/order.
nonInvoiceable - If the article registration would be ignored for charging or not.
note - The note on the article registration.
documentId - The document ID which includes the article registration and is created in Invoicing application.
documentType - The document type which could be "invoice" or "order".
fromDate | string <date> The start date of the search span, the max of which should be 1 year to the end date ("toDate"). Example: 2022-11-01 |
toDate | string <date> The end date of the search span, the max of which should be 1 year back to the start date ("fromDate"). Example: 2022-11-30 |
customerIds | Array of strings An array of customer IDs which are being used in database and in one-to-one relation with customer numbers. Example: 100,101,102 |
projectIds | Array of strings An array of project IDs. Example: p1,p2,p3 |
includeRegistrationsWithoutProject | boolean If the article registration without project is included, or not. |
itemIds | Array of strings An array of article IDs. Example: s1,s2,s3 |
costCenterIds | Array of strings An array of cost center IDs. Example: cc1,cc2,cc3 |
ownerIds | Array of strings An array of user ids who own the article registrations. Example: 1,2,3 |
invoiced | boolean If a document is created with the article registration, or not. |
inInvoiceBasis | boolean If the article registration is locked on an invoice basis, or not. |
internalArticles | boolean If the article registration is internal, which is registered on an internal customer, or not. |
nonInvoiceable | boolean If the article registration has been moved to non-invoiceable, or not. |
includeNonInvoiceablePrice | boolean If the price of the non-invoiceable article registration is included, or not. |
[- {
- "articleRegistrations": [
- {
- "createdBy": "string",
- "createdTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "documentId": 0,
- "documentType": "order",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "invoiceBasisId": 0,
- "invoiceText": "string",
- "item": {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "isStock": true,
- "purchasePrice": 0,
- "salesPrices": [
- {
- "list": "string",
- "price": 0
], - "type": "SERVICE",
- "unit": "string"
}, - "nonInvoiceable": true,
- "note": "string",
- "orderIndex": 0,
- "ownerId": "string",
- "timeLocked": true,
- "totalQuantity": 0,
- "unitCost": 0,
- "unitPrice": 0
], - "costCenter": {
- "active": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "createdTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "customer": {
- "accountManager": "string",
- "active": true,
- "defaultProjectId": "string",
- "deleted": true,
- "id": "string",
- "invoiceCity": "string",
- "invoiceZipCode": "string",
- "isBusiness": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "number": "string",
- "priceList": "string",
- "propertyDesignation": "string"
}, - "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "ownerId": "string",
- "project": {
- "description": "string",
- "endDate": "2019-08-24",
- "id": "string",
- "invoicedAmount": 0.1,
- "orderAmount": 0.1,
- "orderTime": 0.1,
- "projectLeader": "string",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24",
- "status": 0,
- "totalAmountInInvoices": 0.1
}, - "purchaseDate": "2019-08-24",
- "registeredArticle": {
- "createdBy": "string",
- "createdTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "documentId": 0,
- "documentType": "order",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "invoiceBasisId": 0,
- "invoiceText": "string",
- "item": {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "isStock": true,
- "purchasePrice": 0,
- "salesPrices": [
- {
- "list": "string",
- "price": 0
], - "type": "SERVICE",
- "unit": "string"
}, - "nonInvoiceable": true,
- "note": "string",
- "orderIndex": 0,
- "ownerId": "string",
- "timeLocked": true,
- "totalQuantity": 0,
- "unitCost": 0,
- "unitPrice": 0
}, - "registrationType": "WORK",
- "version": 0
Response property descriptions:
id - The unique id of the registration.
userId - The user ID who owns the registration.
workedDate - The date for which the registration is created.
workedHours - The time spent, or the time of absence.
startTime - The start of clock time.
stopTime - The end of clock time.
invoiceText - The text to be included in the invoice/order basis which would be used to create an invoice/order.
note - The note on the registration.
chargeHours - The time to be invoiced, or 0 for the absence, or locked for non-invoiceable.
childId - The child ID related to the absence registration of parental leave (FPE), which comes from Payroll application.
nonInvoiceable - If the registration would be ignored for charging or not.
invoiceBasisId - The ID of invoice/order basis which is used for creating an invoice/order.
documentId - The document ID which includes the registration and is created in Invoicing application.
documentType - The document type which could be "invoice" or "order".
unitCost - The unit cost from the registration owner who takes the work.
unitPrice - The unit price for the service on the registration, which comes in priority from "invoice/order basis", "price group" or "service".
fromDate | string <date> The start date of the search span, the max of which should be 1 year to the end date ("toDate"). Example: 2022-11-01 |
toDate | string <date> The end date of the search span, the max of which should be 1 year back to the start date ("fromDate"). Example: 2022-11-30 |
customerIds | Array of strings An array of customer IDs which are being used in database and in one-to-one relation with customer numbers. Example: 100,101,102 |
projectIds | Array of strings An array of project IDs. Example: p1,p2,p3 |
serviceIds | Array of strings An array of service IDs. Example: s1,s2,s3 |
costCenterIds | Array of strings An array of cost center IDs. Example: cc1,cc2,cc3 |
regCodes | Array of strings An array of registration codes. Example: TID,SEM,FPE |
userIds | Array of strings An array of user IDs that time/absence registrations belong to. Example: 1,2,3 |
includeRegistrationsWithoutProject | boolean If the time/absence registration without project is included, or not. |
invoiced | boolean If a document is created with the time/absence registration, or not. |
inInvoiceBasis | boolean If the time/absence registration is locked on an invoice basis, or not. |
internalTime | boolean If the time/absence registration is internal, which is registered on an internal customer, or not. |
nonInvoiceable | boolean If the time/absence registration has been moved to non-invoiceable, or not. |
includeNonInvoiceableChargeHours | boolean If the price of the non-invoiceable time/absence registration is included, or not. |
[- {
- "chargeHours": 0.1,
- "childId": "da54978f-5a21-4efd-948e-3959f61b037a",
- "costCenter": {
- "active": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "createdBy": "string",
- "createdTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "customer": {
- "accountManager": "string",
- "active": true,
- "defaultProjectId": "string",
- "deleted": true,
- "id": "string",
- "invoiceCity": "string",
- "invoiceZipCode": "string",
- "isBusiness": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "number": "string",
- "priceList": "string",
- "propertyDesignation": "string"
}, - "documentId": 0,
- "documentType": "order",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "invoiceBasisId": 0,
- "invoiceText": "string",
- "nonInvoiceable": true,
- "note": "string",
- "project": {
- "description": "string",
- "endDate": "2019-08-24",
- "id": "string",
- "invoicedAmount": 0.1,
- "orderAmount": 0.1,
- "orderTime": 0.1,
- "projectLeader": "string",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24",
- "status": 0,
- "totalAmountInInvoices": 0.1
}, - "registrationCode": {
- "active": true,
- "code": "str",
- "costMultiplier": 0.1,
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "priceMultiplier": 0.1,
- "type": "WORK"
}, - "service": {
- "active": true,
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "isStock": true,
- "purchasePrice": 0,
- "salesPrices": [
- {
- "list": "string",
- "price": 0
], - "type": "SERVICE",
- "unit": "string"
}, - "startTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "stopTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "unitCost": 0,
- "unitPrice": 0,
- "updatedBy": "string",
- "userId": "string",
- "workedDate": "2019-08-24",
- "workedHours": 0.1
Absence transactions resources.
Code | Description |
ASK | Arbetsskada |
ATF | Arbetstidsförkortning |
FPE | Föräldraledig |
FRA or FR1 | Frånvaro övrigt (FR1 is used in PAXml) |
HAV | Graviditetspenning |
KOM | Kompledig |
MIL | Militärtjänst (max 60 dagar) |
NAR or NÄR | Närståendevård (NÄR is used in PAXml) |
OS1 | Sjuk-OB 1 |
OS2 | Sjuk-OB 2 |
OS3 | Sjuk-OB 3 |
OS4 | Sjuk-OB 4 |
OS5 | Sjuk-OB 5 |
PAP | Pappadagar |
PEM | Permission |
PER | Permitterad |
SEM | Semester |
SJK | Sjukfrånvaro |
SMB | Smittbärare |
SVE | Svenska för invandrare |
TJL | Tjänstledig |
UTB or FAC | Facklig utbildning (FAC is used in PAXml) |
VAB | Vård av barn |
Supports query-string parameters employeeid and date for filtering the result.
employeeid | string filter by employee id |
date | string filter by date |
{- "AbsenceTransactions": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "CauseCode": "ASK",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Extent": 0.1,
- "HolidayEntitling": true,
- "Hours": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
to create
object (fortnox_AbsenceTransactionPayload) |
{- "AbsenceTransaction": {
- "@url": "string",
- "CauseCode": "ASK",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Extent": 0.1,
- "HolidayEntitling": true,
- "Hours": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
id required | string <uuid> identifies the transaction |
{- "AbsenceTransaction": {
- "@url": "string",
- "CauseCode": "ASK",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Extent": 0.1,
- "HolidayEntitling": true,
- "Hours": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
Retrieves a specific transaction
id required | string <uuid> identifies the transaction |
{- "AbsenceTransaction": {
- "@url": "string",
- "CauseCode": "ASK",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Extent": 0.1,
- "HolidayEntitling": true,
- "Hours": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
id required | string <uuid> identifies the transaction |
to update
object (fortnox_AbsenceTransactionPayload) |
{- "AbsenceTransaction": {
- "@url": "string",
- "CauseCode": "ASK",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Extent": 0.1,
- "HolidayEntitling": true,
- "Hours": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
Retrieves a list of absence transactions for an employee on a specific date and cause code.
id required | string identifies the employee |
Date required | string <date> of the absence transaction |
Code required | string Enum: "ASK" "FPE" "FRA" "HAV" "KOM" "MIL" "NAR" "OS1" "OS2" "OS3" "OS4" "OS5" "PAP" "PEM" "PER" "SEM" "SJK" "SMB" "SVE" "TJL" "UTB" "VAB" status code of the absence transaction |
{- "AbsenceTransactions": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "CauseCode": "ASK",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Extent": 0.1,
- "HolidayEntitling": true,
- "Hours": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
The accounts are returned sorted by account number with the lowest number appearing first.
lastmodified | string |
sru | integer <int32> |
sortby | string Value: "number" field to sort returned list on |
{- "Accounts": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "BalanceBroughtForward": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "CostCenterSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "Description": "string",
- "Number": 1000,
- "Project": "string",
- "ProjectSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "SRU": 0,
- "VATCode": "string",
- "Year": 0
The created account will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
financialyear | integer <int32> financial year to create account against |
account to create
object (fortnox_AccountPayload) |
{- "Account": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "BalanceBroughtForward": 0.1,
- "BalanceCarriedForward": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "CostCenterSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "Description": "string",
- "Number": 1000,
- "OpeningQuantities": [
- {
- "Balance": 0,
- "Project": "string"
], - "Project": "string",
- "ProjectSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "QuantitySettings": "ALLOWED",
- "QuantityUnit": "string",
- "SRU": 0,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "TransactionInformationSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "VATCode": "string",
- "Year": 0
Retrieves the details of an account. You need to supply the unique account number that was returned when the account was created or retrieved from the list of accounts.
Number required | integer <int32> identifies the account |
{- "Account": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "BalanceBroughtForward": 0.1,
- "BalanceCarriedForward": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "CostCenterSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "Description": "string",
- "Number": 1000,
- "OpeningQuantities": [
- {
- "Balance": 0,
- "Project": "string"
], - "Project": "string",
- "ProjectSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "QuantitySettings": "ALLOWED",
- "QuantityUnit": "string",
- "SRU": 0,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "TransactionInformationSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "VATCode": "string",
- "Year": 0
Updates the specified account with the values provided in the properties. Any property not provided will be left unchanged. Note that even though the account number is writeable you can´t change the number of an existing account.
Number required | integer <int32> identifies the account |
financialyear | integer <int32> financial year to update account against |
account to update
object (fortnox_AccountPayload) |
{- "Account": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "BalanceBroughtForward": 0.1,
- "BalanceCarriedForward": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "CostCenterSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "Description": "string",
- "Number": 1000,
- "OpeningQuantities": [
- {
- "Balance": 0,
- "Project": "string"
], - "Project": "string",
- "ProjectSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "QuantitySettings": "ALLOWED",
- "QuantityUnit": "string",
- "SRU": 0,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "TransactionInformationSettings": "ALLOWED",
- "VATCode": "string",
- "Year": 0
If no path is provided the root will be returned. Providing fileId will return given file from fileattachments.
path | string name of folder |
fileid | string fileId from fileattachments |
{- "Folder": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Email": "string",
- "Files": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArchiveFileId": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "Id": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "Path": "string",
- "Size": 0
], - "Folders": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Id": "string",
- "Name": "string"
], - "Id": "string",
- "Name": "string"
If not path or folderId is provided, the file will be uploaded to the root directory.
path | string name of folder |
folderid | string id of folder |
file | object file to uplad |
{- "File": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArchiveFileId": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "Id": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "Path": "string",
- "Size": 0
The article file connections register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a FileId in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a FileId will return a list of records.
{- "ArticleFileConnections": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "FileId": "string"
The article url connections register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying an id in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying an id will return a list of records.
{- "ArticleUrlConnections": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "URLConnection": "string"
id required | string |
to update
required | object (fortnox_ArticleUrlConnection) |
{- "ArticleUrlConnection": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "URLConnection": "string"
Retrieves a list of articles. The articles are returned sorted by article number with the lowest number appearing first.
filter | string Enum: "active" "inactive" possibility to filter supplier invoices |
articlenumber | string filter by article number |
description | string filter by description |
ean | string filter by ean |
suppliernumber | string filter by supplier number |
manufacturer | string filter by manufacturer |
manufacturerarticlenumber | string filter by manufacturerarticlenumber |
webshop | string filter by web shop |
lastmodified | string filter by lastmodified |
sortby | string Enum: "articlenumber" "quantityinstock" "reservedquantity" "stockvalue" field to sort returned list |
{- "Articles": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "DisposableQuantity": "string",
- "EAN": "string",
- "Housework": true,
- "PurchasePrice": "string",
- "QuantityInStock": 0.1,
- "ReservedQuantity": "string",
- "SalesPrice": "string",
- "StockPlace": "string",
- "StockValue": "string",
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": "string",
- "WebshopArticle": true
The created article will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
to create
object (fortnox_Article) |
{- "Article": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Bulky": true,
- "ConstructionAccount": 1000,
- "CostCalculationMethod": "string",
- "DefaultStockLocation": "string",
- "DefaultStockPoint": "string",
- "Depth": 999999999,
- "Description": "string",
- "DirectCost": 0.1,
- "DisposableQuantity": 0.1,
- "EAN": "string",
- "EUAccount": 1000,
- "EUVATAccount": 1000,
- "Expired": true,
- "ExportAccount": 1000,
- "FreightCost": 0.1,
- "Height": 999999999,
- "Housework": true,
- "HouseworkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Manufacturer": "string",
- "ManufacturerArticleNumber": "string",
- "Note": "string",
- "OtherCost": 0.1,
- "PurchaseAccount": 1000,
- "PurchasePrice": 0.1,
- "QuantityInStock": 0.1,
- "ReservedQuantity": 0.1,
- "SalesAccount": 1000,
- "SalesPrice": 0.1,
- "StockAccount": 0,
- "StockChangeAccount": 0,
- "StockGoods": true,
- "StockPlace": "string",
- "StockValue": 0.1,
- "StockWarning": 0.1,
- "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Type": "STOCK",
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
- "WebshopArticle": true,
- "Weight": 999999999,
- "Width": 999999999
Deletes the article permanently.
You need to supply the unique article number that was returned when the article was created or retrieved from the list of articles.
ArticleNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the article |
{- "ErrorInformation": {
- "Code": 0,
- "Error": 0,
- "Message": "string"
Retrieves the details of an article. You need to supply the unique article number that was returned when the article was created or retrieved from the list of articles.
ArticleNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the article |
{- "Article": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Bulky": true,
- "ConstructionAccount": 1000,
- "CostCalculationMethod": "string",
- "DefaultStockLocation": "string",
- "DefaultStockPoint": "string",
- "Depth": 999999999,
- "Description": "string",
- "DirectCost": 0.1,
- "DisposableQuantity": 0.1,
- "EAN": "string",
- "EUAccount": 1000,
- "EUVATAccount": 1000,
- "Expired": true,
- "ExportAccount": 1000,
- "FreightCost": 0.1,
- "Height": 999999999,
- "Housework": true,
- "HouseworkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Manufacturer": "string",
- "ManufacturerArticleNumber": "string",
- "Note": "string",
- "OtherCost": 0.1,
- "PurchaseAccount": 1000,
- "PurchasePrice": 0.1,
- "QuantityInStock": 0.1,
- "ReservedQuantity": 0.1,
- "SalesAccount": 1000,
- "SalesPrice": 0.1,
- "StockAccount": 0,
- "StockChangeAccount": 0,
- "StockGoods": true,
- "StockPlace": "string",
- "StockValue": 0.1,
- "StockWarning": 0.1,
- "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Type": "STOCK",
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
- "WebshopArticle": true,
- "Weight": 999999999,
- "Width": 999999999
Updates the specified article with the values provided in the properties. Any property not provided will be left unchanged. You need to supply the unique article number that was returned when the article was created or retrieved from the list of articles. Note that even though the article number is writeable you can not change the number of an existing article.
ArticleNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the article |
to update
object (fortnox_Article) |
{- "Article": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Bulky": true,
- "ConstructionAccount": 1000,
- "CostCalculationMethod": "string",
- "DefaultStockLocation": "string",
- "DefaultStockPoint": "string",
- "Depth": 999999999,
- "Description": "string",
- "DirectCost": 0.1,
- "DisposableQuantity": 0.1,
- "EAN": "string",
- "EUAccount": 1000,
- "EUVATAccount": 1000,
- "Expired": true,
- "ExportAccount": 1000,
- "FreightCost": 0.1,
- "Height": 999999999,
- "Housework": true,
- "HouseworkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Manufacturer": "string",
- "ManufacturerArticleNumber": "string",
- "Note": "string",
- "OtherCost": 0.1,
- "PurchaseAccount": 1000,
- "PurchasePrice": 0.1,
- "QuantityInStock": 0.1,
- "ReservedQuantity": 0.1,
- "SalesAccount": 1000,
- "SalesPrice": 0.1,
- "StockAccount": 0,
- "StockChangeAccount": 0,
- "StockGoods": true,
- "StockPlace": "string",
- "StockValue": 0.1,
- "StockWarning": 0.1,
- "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Type": "STOCK",
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
- "WebshopArticle": true,
- "Weight": 999999999,
- "Width": 999999999
The asset register can return a list of assets or a single asset. By specifying a FileId in the URL, a single asset will be returned. Not specifying a FileId will return a list of records.
{- "AssetFileConnections": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "AssetId": "string",
- "FileId": "string",
- "Name": "string"
], - "MetaInformation": {
- "@CurrentPage": 0,
- "@TotalPages": 0,
- "@TotalResources": 0
{- "MetaInformation": {
- "@CurrentPage": 0,
- "@TotalPages": 0,
- "@TotalResources": 0
}, - "Types": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountAsset": 0,
- "AccountAssetId": 0,
- "AccountDepreciation": 0,
- "AccountDepreciationId": 0,
- "AccountRevaluation": 0,
- "AccountRevaluationId": 0,
- "AccountSaleLoss": 0,
- "AccountSaleLossId": 0,
- "AccountSaleWin": 0,
- "AccountSaleWinId": 0,
- "AccountValueLoss": 0,
- "AccountValueLossId": 0,
- "AccountWriteDown": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownAck": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownAckId": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownId": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "InUse": true,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Type": 0
{- "Type": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountAsset": 0,
- "AccountAssetId": 0,
- "AccountDepreciation": 0,
- "AccountDepreciationId": 0,
- "AccountRevaluation": 0,
- "AccountRevaluationId": 0,
- "AccountSaleLoss": 0,
- "AccountSaleLossId": 0,
- "AccountSaleWin": 0,
- "AccountSaleWinId": 0,
- "AccountValueLoss": 0,
- "AccountValueLossId": 0,
- "AccountWriteDown": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownAck": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownAckId": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownId": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "InUse": true,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Type": 0
id required | integer <int32> id |
object (fortnox_CreateAsset) |
{- "Type": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountAsset": 0,
- "AccountAssetId": 0,
- "AccountDepreciation": 0,
- "AccountDepreciationId": 0,
- "AccountRevaluation": 0,
- "AccountRevaluationId": 0,
- "AccountSaleLoss": 0,
- "AccountSaleLossId": 0,
- "AccountSaleWin": 0,
- "AccountSaleWinId": 0,
- "AccountValueLoss": 0,
- "AccountValueLossId": 0,
- "AccountWriteDown": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownAck": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownAckId": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownId": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "InUse": true,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Type": 0
id required | integer <int32> id |
object (fortnox_UpdateAsset) |
{- "Type": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountAsset": 0,
- "AccountAssetId": 0,
- "AccountDepreciation": 0,
- "AccountDepreciationId": 0,
- "AccountRevaluation": 0,
- "AccountRevaluationId": 0,
- "AccountSaleLoss": 0,
- "AccountSaleLossId": 0,
- "AccountSaleWin": 0,
- "AccountSaleWinId": 0,
- "AccountValueLoss": 0,
- "AccountValueLossId": 0,
- "AccountWriteDown": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownAck": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownAckId": 0,
- "AccountWriteDownId": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "InUse": true,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Type": 0
Assets resources
Name | Description |
active | Retrieves all active assets |
inactive | Retrieves all inactive assets |
fully_depreciated | Retrieves all fully depreciated assets |
sold | Retrieves all sold assets |
scrapped | Retrieves all scrapped assets |
voided | Retrieves all voided assets |
{- "Assets": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "AcquisitionDate": "string",
- "AcquisitionValue": 0,
- "DepreciatedTo": "string",
- "DepreciationFinal": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "Number": "string",
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusId": "string",
- "Type": "string",
- "TypeId": 0
The created asset will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
object (fortnox_CreateAsset) |
{- "Assets": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AcquisitionDate": "string",
- "AcquisitionStart": "string",
- "AcquisitionValue": 0,
- "Brand": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Department": "string",
- "DepreciateToResidualValue": 0,
- "DepreciatedTo": "string",
- "DepreciationFinal": "string",
- "DepreciationMethod": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Group": "string",
- "History": [
- {
- "Amount": "string",
- "Date": "string",
- "EventId": 0,
- "Id": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "SupplierInvoice": 0,
- "UserId": 0,
- "UserName": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
], - "Id": 0,
- "InsuredNumber": "string",
- "InsuredWith": "string",
- "ManualOb": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Placement": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Reference": "string",
- "Room": "string",
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusId": "string",
- "Type": "string",
- "TypeId": 0
The updated asset will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
GivenNumber required | string Asset number |
Amount | integer <int32> |
Comment | string |
{- "Assets": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AcquisitionDate": "string",
- "AcquisitionStart": "string",
- "AcquisitionValue": 0,
- "Brand": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Department": "string",
- "DepreciateToResidualValue": 0,
- "DepreciatedTo": "string",
- "DepreciationFinal": "string",
- "DepreciationMethod": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Group": "string",
- "History": [
- {
- "Amount": "string",
- "Date": "string",
- "EventId": 0,
- "Id": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "SupplierInvoice": 0,
- "UserId": 0,
- "UserName": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
], - "Id": 0,
- "InsuredNumber": "string",
- "InsuredWith": "string",
- "ManualOb": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Placement": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Reference": "string",
- "Room": "string",
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusId": "string",
- "Type": "string",
- "TypeId": 0
The created vouchers list will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
object (fortnox_Depreciation) |
{- "AssetsDepreciation": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "FinancialYear": 0,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string"
Retrieves a list of assets to depreciate.
ToDate required | string toDate |
{- "Assets": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "AcquisitionDate": "string",
- "AcquisitionValue": 0,
- "DepreciatedTo": "string",
- "DepreciationFinal": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "Number": "string",
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusId": "string",
- "Type": "string",
- "TypeId": 0
The updated asset will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
GivenNumber required | string Asset number |
object (fortnox_Scrap) |
{- "Assets": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AcquisitionDate": "string",
- "AcquisitionStart": "string",
- "AcquisitionValue": 0,
- "Brand": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Department": "string",
- "DepreciateToResidualValue": 0,
- "DepreciatedTo": "string",
- "DepreciationFinal": "string",
- "DepreciationMethod": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Group": "string",
- "History": [
- {
- "Amount": "string",
- "Date": "string",
- "EventId": 0,
- "Id": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "SupplierInvoice": 0,
- "UserId": 0,
- "UserName": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
], - "Id": 0,
- "InsuredNumber": "string",
- "InsuredWith": "string",
- "ManualOb": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Placement": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Reference": "string",
- "Room": "string",
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusId": "string",
- "Type": "string",
- "TypeId": 0
Partial sell or full sell of an asset.
GivenNumber required | string Asset number |
object (fortnox_Sell) |
{- "Assets": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AcquisitionDate": "string",
- "AcquisitionStart": "string",
- "AcquisitionValue": 0,
- "Brand": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Department": "string",
- "DepreciateToResidualValue": 0,
- "DepreciatedTo": "string",
- "DepreciationFinal": "string",
- "DepreciationMethod": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Group": "string",
- "History": [
- {
- "Amount": "string",
- "Date": "string",
- "EventId": 0,
- "Id": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "SupplierInvoice": 0,
- "UserId": 0,
- "UserName": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
], - "Id": 0,
- "InsuredNumber": "string",
- "InsuredWith": "string",
- "ManualOb": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Placement": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Reference": "string",
- "Room": "string",
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusId": "string",
- "Type": "string",
- "TypeId": 0
The updated asset will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
GivenNumber required | string Asset number |
object (fortnox_WriteDown) |
{- "Assets": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AcquisitionDate": "string",
- "AcquisitionStart": "string",
- "AcquisitionValue": 0,
- "Brand": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Department": "string",
- "DepreciateToResidualValue": 0,
- "DepreciatedTo": "string",
- "DepreciationFinal": "string",
- "DepreciationMethod": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Group": "string",
- "History": [
- {
- "Amount": "string",
- "Date": "string",
- "EventId": 0,
- "Id": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "SupplierInvoice": 0,
- "UserId": 0,
- "UserName": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
], - "Id": 0,
- "InsuredNumber": "string",
- "InsuredWith": "string",
- "ManualOb": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Placement": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Reference": "string",
- "Room": "string",
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusId": "string",
- "Type": "string",
- "TypeId": 0
The updated asset will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
GivenNumber required | string Asset number |
object (fortnox_WriteUp) |
{- "Assets": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AcquisitionDate": "string",
- "AcquisitionStart": "string",
- "AcquisitionValue": 0,
- "Brand": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Department": "string",
- "DepreciateToResidualValue": 0,
- "DepreciatedTo": "string",
- "DepreciationFinal": "string",
- "DepreciationMethod": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Group": "string",
- "History": [
- {
- "Amount": "string",
- "Date": "string",
- "EventId": 0,
- "Id": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "SupplierInvoice": 0,
- "UserId": 0,
- "UserName": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
], - "Id": 0,
- "InsuredNumber": "string",
- "InsuredWith": "string",
- "ManualOb": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Placement": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Reference": "string",
- "Room": "string",
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusId": "string",
- "Type": "string",
- "TypeId": 0
By specifying a {GivenNumber} in the URL a single "Not active" asset or asset with a type "Not depreciable" can be deleted. By specifying a {GivenNumber} in the URL a single "Active" or "Fully depreciated" assets can be voided and in this case in request body voiddate should be provided, otherwise it will use todays date.
GivenNumber required | string Asset number |
object (fortnox_Delete) |
{- "ErrorInformation": {
- "Code": 0,
- "Error": 0,
- "Message": "string"
{- "Assets": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AcquisitionDate": "string",
- "AcquisitionStart": "string",
- "AcquisitionValue": 0,
- "Brand": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Department": "string",
- "DepreciateToResidualValue": 0,
- "DepreciatedTo": "string",
- "DepreciationFinal": "string",
- "DepreciationMethod": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Group": "string",
- "History": [
- {
- "Amount": "string",
- "Date": "string",
- "EventId": 0,
- "Id": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "SupplierInvoice": 0,
- "UserId": 0,
- "UserName": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
], - "Id": 0,
- "InsuredNumber": "string",
- "InsuredWith": "string",
- "ManualOb": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Placement": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Reference": "string",
- "Room": "string",
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusId": "string",
- "Type": "string",
- "TypeId": 0
The updated asset will be returned if everything succeeded, if there were any problems an error will be returned.
GivenNumber required | string Asset number |
object (fortnox_UpdateAsset) |
{- "Assets": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AcquisitionDate": "string",
- "AcquisitionStart": "string",
- "AcquisitionValue": 0,
- "Brand": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Department": "string",
- "DepreciateToResidualValue": 0,
- "DepreciatedTo": "string",
- "DepreciationFinal": "string",
- "DepreciationMethod": 0,
- "Description": "string",
- "Group": "string",
- "History": [
- {
- "Amount": "string",
- "Date": "string",
- "EventId": 0,
- "Id": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "SupplierInvoice": 0,
- "UserId": 0,
- "UserName": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
], - "Id": 0,
- "InsuredNumber": "string",
- "InsuredWith": "string",
- "ManualOb": 0,
- "Notes": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Placement": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Reference": "string",
- "Room": "string",
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusId": "string",
- "Type": "string",
- "TypeId": 0
Attendance transactions resources
Code | Description |
ARB | Timlön |
BE2 | Beredskapstid 2 |
BER or BE1 | Beredskapstid (BE1 is used in PAXml) |
FLX | Flextid +/- |
HLG | Helglön |
JO2 or JR2 | Jourtid 2 (JR2 is used in PAXml) |
JOR or JR1 | Jourtid (JR1 is used in PAXml) |
MER | Mertid |
OB1 | OB-ersättning 1 |
OB2 | OB-ersättning 2 |
OB3 | OB-ersättning 3 |
OB4 | OB-ersättning 4 |
OB5 | OB-ersättning 5 |
OK0 or NV9 | Extratid \u2013 Komptid (NV9 is used in PAXml) |
OK1 or ÖK1 | Övertid 1 \u2013 Komptid (ÖK1 is used in PAXml) |
OK2 or ÖK2 | Övertid 2 \u2013 Komptid (ÖK2 is used in PAXml) |
OK3 or ÖK3 | Övertid 3 \u2013 Komptid (ÖK3 is used in PAXml) |
OK4 or ÖK4 | Övertid 4 \u2013 Komptid (ÖK4 is used in PAXml) |
OK5 or ÖK5 | Övertid 5 \u2013 Komptid (ÖK5 is used in PAXml) |
OT1 or ÖT1 | Övertid 1 \u2013 Betalning (ÖT1 is used in PAXml) |
OT2 or ÖT2 | Övertid 2 \u2013 Betalning (ÖT2 is used in PAXml) |
OT3 or ÖT3 | Övertid 3 \u2013 Betalning (ÖT3 is used in PAXml) |
OT4 or ÖT4 | Övertid 4 \u2013 Betalning (ÖT4 is used in PAXml) |
OT5 or ÖT5 | Övertid 5 \u2013 Betalning (ÖT5 is used in PAXml) |
RES or RE1 | Restid (RE1 is used in PAXml) |
TID | Arbetstid |
Supports query-string parameters employeeid and date for filtering the result.
employeeid | string filter by employee id |
date | string filter by date |
{- "AttendanceTransactions": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "CauseCode": "ARB",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Hours": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
attendance transaction to create
object (fortnox_AttendanceTransaction) |
{- "AttendanceTransaction": {
- "CauseCode": "ARB",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Hours": "string",
- "Project": "string"
id required | string <uuid> identifies the transaction |
{- "AttendanceTransaction": {
- "CauseCode": "ARB",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Hours": "string",
- "Project": "string"
Retrieves a specific transaction
id required | string <uuid> identifies the transaction |
{- "AttendanceTransaction": {
- "CauseCode": "ARB",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Hours": "string",
- "Project": "string"
id required | string <uuid> identifies the transaction |
to update
object (fortnox_AttendanceTransaction) |
{- "AttendanceTransaction": {
- "CauseCode": "ARB",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Hours": "string",
- "Project": "string"
Retrieves a list of attendance transaction for an employee on a specific date and cause code.
id required | string identifies the employee |
Date required | string <date> date of the attendance |
Code required | string Enum: "ARB" "BE2" "BER" "FLX" "HLG" "JO2" "JOR" "MER" "OB1" "OB2" "OB3" "OB4" "OB5" "OK0" "OK1" "OK2" "OK3" "OK4" "OK5" "OT1" "OT2" "OT3" "OT4" "OT5" "RES" "TID" status code of the attendance transaction |
{- "AttendanceTransactions": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "CauseCode": "ARB",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Hours": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
{- "CompanyInformation": {
- "Address": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CompanyName": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "DatabaseNumber": 0,
- "OrganizationNumber": "string",
- "VisitAddress": "string",
- "VisitCity": "string",
- "VisitCountryCode": "string",
- "VisitZipCode": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
{- "CompanySettings": {
- "Address": "string",
- "BG": "string",
- "BIC": "string",
- "BranchCode": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ContactFirstName": "string",
- "ContactLastName": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "CountryCode": "string",
- "DatabaseNumber": "string",
- "Domicile": "string",
- "Email": "string",
- "Fax": "string",
- "IBAN": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OrganizationNumber": "string",
- "PG": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "TaxEnabled": true,
- "VATNumber": "string",
- "VisitAddress": "string",
- "VisitCity": "string",
- "VisitCountry": "string",
- "VisitCountryCode": "string",
- "VisitName": "string",
- "VisitZipCode": "string",
- "WWW": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
The contract accruals register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a DocumentNumber in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a DocumentNumber will return a list of records.
{- "ContractAccruals": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": 0,
- "Period": "MONTHLY"
contract accrual to create
object (fortnox_ContractAccrual) |
{- "ContractAccrual": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccrualAccount": 1000,
- "AccrualRows": [
- {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "CostAccount": 1000,
- "Description": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": 0,
- "Period": "MONTHLY",
- "Times": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true
DocumentNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the contract accrual |
{- "ContractAccrual": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccrualAccount": 1000,
- "AccrualRows": [
- {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "CostAccount": 1000,
- "Description": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": 0,
- "Period": "MONTHLY",
- "Times": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true
DocumentNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the contract accrual |
contract accrual to update
object (fortnox_ContractAccrual) |
{- "ContractAccrual": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccrualAccount": 1000,
- "AccrualRows": [
- {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "CostAccount": 1000,
- "Description": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": 0,
- "Period": "MONTHLY",
- "Times": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true
The contract template resource can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a TemplateNumber in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a TemplateNumber will return a list of records.
{- "ContractTemplates": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ContractLength": 1,
- "ContractTemplate": 0,
- "ContractTemplateName": "string",
- "InvoiceInterval": 1
contract template to create
object (fortnox_ContractTemplate) |
{- "ContractTemplate": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "Continuous": true,
- "ContractLength": 1,
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "InvoiceInterval": 1,
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "PERCENT",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "OurReference": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "TemplateName": "string",
- "TemplateNumber": 0,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "WayOfDelivery": "string"
TemplateNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the contract template |
{- "ContractTemplate": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "Continuous": true,
- "ContractLength": 1,
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "InvoiceInterval": 1,
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "PERCENT",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "OurReference": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "TemplateName": "string",
- "TemplateNumber": 0,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "WayOfDelivery": "string"
TemplateNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the contract template |
contract template to update
object (fortnox_ContractTemplate) |
{- "ContractTemplate": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "Continuous": true,
- "ContractLength": 1,
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "InvoiceInterval": 1,
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "PERCENT",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "OurReference": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "TemplateName": "string",
- "TemplateNumber": 0,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "WayOfDelivery": "string"
Contracts resources
Filter | Description |
active | Retrieves all active contracts |
inactive | Retrieves all inactive contracts |
finished | Retrieves all finished contracts |
filter | string Enum: "active" "inactive" "finished" possibility to filter contracts |
{- "Contracts": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Continuous": true,
- "ContractLength": 0,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "Invoiceinterval": 0,
- "InvoicesRemaining": 0,
- "LastInvoiceDate": "string",
- "PeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "PeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "Status": "string",
- "TemplateNumber": 0,
- "Total": 0.1
{- "Contract": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Comments": "string",
- "Continuous": true,
- "ContractDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ContractLength": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDiscount": 0.1,
- "InvoiceInterval": 0,
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1
], - "InvoicesRemaining": "string",
- "Language": "SV",
- "LastInvoiceDate": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "PeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TemplateName": "string",
- "TemplateNumber": 0,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VatIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string"
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the contract |
{- "Contract": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Comments": "string",
- "Continuous": true,
- "ContractDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ContractLength": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDiscount": 0.1,
- "InvoiceInterval": 0,
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1
], - "InvoicesRemaining": "string",
- "Language": "SV",
- "LastInvoiceDate": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "PeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TemplateName": "string",
- "TemplateNumber": 0,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VatIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string"
Note that there are two approaches for updating the rows on a contract.
If RowId is not specified on any row, the rows will be mapped and updated in the order in which they are set in the array. All rows that should remain on the contract needs to be provided.
If RowId is specified on one or more rows the following goes: Corresponding row with that id will be updated. The rows without RowId will be interpreted as new rows. If a row should not be updated but remain on the contract then specify only RowId like { "RowId": 123 }, otherwise it will be removed. Note that new RowIds are generated for all rows every time a contract is updated.
When the InvoiceDiscount value is set on the rows and the Contract, the value set on the Contract takes precedence over the row-level InvoiceDiscount.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the contract |
contract to update
object (fortnox_Contract) |
{- "Contract": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Comments": "string",
- "Continuous": true,
- "ContractDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ContractLength": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDiscount": 0.1,
- "InvoiceInterval": 0,
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1
], - "InvoicesRemaining": "string",
- "Language": "SV",
- "LastInvoiceDate": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "PeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TemplateName": "string",
- "TemplateNumber": 0,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VatIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string"
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the contract |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the contract |
{- "Contract": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Comments": "string",
- "Continuous": true,
- "ContractDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ContractLength": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDiscount": 0.1,
- "InvoiceInterval": 0,
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1
], - "InvoicesRemaining": "string",
- "Language": "SV",
- "LastInvoiceDate": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "PeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TemplateName": "string",
- "TemplateNumber": 0,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VatIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string"
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the contract |
{- "Contract": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Comments": "string",
- "Continuous": true,
- "ContractDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ContractLength": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDiscount": 0.1,
- "InvoiceInterval": 0,
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1
], - "InvoicesRemaining": "string",
- "Language": "SV",
- "LastInvoiceDate": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "PeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TemplateName": "string",
- "TemplateNumber": 0,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VatIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string"
Cost centers resources
Search | Description |
lastmodified | Retrives costcenters modified after provided date and time |
Sort | Description |
code | Sorts cost centers according to code |
The cost centers register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a Code in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a Code will return a list of records.
{- "CostCenters": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Note": "string"
Code required | string identifies the cost center |
cost center to update
object (fortnox_CostCenter) |
{- "CostCenter": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Note": "string"
The currency register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a Code in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a Code will return a list of records.
{- "Currencies": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "BuyRate": 0.1,
- "Code": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "Description": "string",
- "IsAutomatic": true,
- "SellRate": 0.1,
- "Unit": 0.1
], - "MetaInformation": {
- "@CurrentPage": 0,
- "@TotalPages": 0,
- "@TotalResources": 0
currency to create
required | object (fortnox_Currency) |
{- "Currency": {
- "@url": "string",
- "BuyRate": 0.1,
- "Code": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "Description": "string",
- "IsAutomatic": true,
- "SellRate": 0.1,
- "Unit": 0.1
{- "Currency": {
- "@url": "string",
- "BuyRate": 0.1,
- "Code": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "Description": "string",
- "IsAutomatic": true,
- "SellRate": 0.1,
- "Unit": 0.1
Code required | string identifies the currency |
to update
required | object (fortnox_Currency) |
{- "Currency": {
- "@url": "string",
- "BuyRate": 0.1,
- "Code": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "Description": "string",
- "IsAutomatic": true,
- "SellRate": 0.1,
- "Unit": 0.1
The created customer reference row will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
customer reference row to create
object (fortnox_CustomerReference_CustomerReferenceRow) |
{- "CustomerReference": {
- "CustomerReferenceRows": [
- {
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "Reference": "string"
Deletes the customer reference row permanently. If everything succeeded the response will be of the type 204, No content and the response body will be empty.
If there was any problems an error will be returned.
You need to supply the unique customer reference row id of the customer reference row that you want to delete.
CustomerReferenceRowId required | string identifies the customer reference row |
{- "ErrorInformation": {
- "Code": 0,
- "Error": 0,
- "Message": "string"
You need to supply the unique customer reference row id that was returned when the customer reference row was created or retrieved from the list of customer reference rows.
CustomerReferenceRowId required | string identifies the customer reference row |
{- "CustomerReference": {
- "CustomerReferenceRows": [
- {
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "Reference": "string"
The updated customer reference row will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
You need to supply the unique customer reference row id of the customer reference row that you want to update.
Only the properties provided in the request body will be updated, properties not provided will be left unchanged.
CustomerNumber cannot be changed by this request.
CustomerReferenceRowId required | string identifies the customer reference row |
customer reference row to update
object (fortnox_CustomerReference_CustomerReferenceRow) |
{- "Customer": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "CountryCode": "st",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DefaultDeliveryTypes": {
- "Invoice": "PRINT",
- "Offer": "PRINT",
- "Order": "PRINT"
}, - "DefaultTemplates": {
- "CashInvoice": "string",
- "Invoice": "string",
- "Offer": "string",
- "Order": "string"
}, - "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryCountryCode": "st",
- "DeliveryFax": "string",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryPhone1": "string",
- "DeliveryPhone2": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "Email": "string",
- "EmailInvoice": "string",
- "EmailInvoiceBCC": "string",
- "EmailInvoiceCC": "string",
- "EmailOffer": "string",
- "EmailOfferBCC": "string",
- "EmailOfferCC": "string",
- "EmailOrder": "string",
- "EmailOrderBCC": "string",
- "EmailOrderCC": "string",
- "ExternalReference": "string",
- "Fax": "string",
- "GLN": "stringstrings",
- "GLNDelivery": "stringstrings",
- "InvoiceAdministrationFee": "string",
- "InvoiceDiscount": 0.1,
- "InvoiceFreight": "string",
- "InvoiceRemark": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalesAccount": "stri",
- "ShowPriceVATIncluded": true,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Type": "PRIVATE",
- "VATNumber": "string",
- "VATType": "SEVAT",
- "VisitingAddress": "string",
- "VisitingCity": "string",
- "VisitingCountry": "string",
- "VisitingCountryCode": "st",
- "VisitingZipCode": "string",
- "WWW": "string",
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
The customers are returned sorted by customer number with the lowest number appearing first.
filter | string Enum: "active" "inactive" possibility to filter customers |
customernumber | string filter by customer number |
name | string filter by name |
zipcode | string filter by zip code |
city | string filter by city |
string filter by email | |
phone | string filter by phone |
organisationnumber | string filter by organisation number |
gln | string filter by gln |
glndelivery | string filter by gln delivery |
lastmodified | string filter by last modified |
sortby | string Enum: "customernumber" "name" field to sort returned list |
{- "Customers": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "Email": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "Phone": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
The created customer will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
customer to create
object (fortnox_Customer) |
{- "Customer": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "CountryCode": "st",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DefaultDeliveryTypes": {
- "Invoice": "PRINT",
- "Offer": "PRINT",
- "Order": "PRINT"
}, - "DefaultTemplates": {
- "CashInvoice": "string",
- "Invoice": "string",
- "Offer": "string",
- "Order": "string"
}, - "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryCountryCode": "st",
- "DeliveryFax": "string",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryPhone1": "string",
- "DeliveryPhone2": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "Email": "string",
- "EmailInvoice": "string",
- "EmailInvoiceBCC": "string",
- "EmailInvoiceCC": "string",
- "EmailOffer": "string",
- "EmailOfferBCC": "string",
- "EmailOfferCC": "string",
- "EmailOrder": "string",
- "EmailOrderBCC": "string",
- "EmailOrderCC": "string",
- "ExternalReference": "string",
- "Fax": "string",
- "GLN": "stringstrings",
- "GLNDelivery": "stringstrings",
- "InvoiceAdministrationFee": "string",
- "InvoiceDiscount": 0.1,
- "InvoiceFreight": "string",
- "InvoiceRemark": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalesAccount": "stri",
- "ShowPriceVATIncluded": true,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Type": "PRIVATE",
- "VATNumber": "string",
- "VATType": "SEVAT",
- "VisitingAddress": "string",
- "VisitingCity": "string",
- "VisitingCountry": "string",
- "VisitingCountryCode": "st",
- "VisitingZipCode": "string",
- "WWW": "string",
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
Deletes the customer permanently. If everything succeeded the response will be of the type 204 \u2013 No content and the response body will be empty. If there was any problems an error will be returned. You need to supply the unique customer number of the customer that you want to delete.
CustomerNumber required | string identifies the customer |
{- "ErrorInformation": {
- "Code": 0,
- "Error": 0,
- "Message": "string"
You need to supply the unique customer number that was returned when the customer was created or retrieved from the list of customers.
CustomerNumber required | string identifies the customer |
{- "Customer": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "CountryCode": "st",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DefaultDeliveryTypes": {
- "Invoice": "PRINT",
- "Offer": "PRINT",
- "Order": "PRINT"
}, - "DefaultTemplates": {
- "CashInvoice": "string",
- "Invoice": "string",
- "Offer": "string",
- "Order": "string"
}, - "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryCountryCode": "st",
- "DeliveryFax": "string",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryPhone1": "string",
- "DeliveryPhone2": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "Email": "string",
- "EmailInvoice": "string",
- "EmailInvoiceBCC": "string",
- "EmailInvoiceCC": "string",
- "EmailOffer": "string",
- "EmailOfferBCC": "string",
- "EmailOfferCC": "string",
- "EmailOrder": "string",
- "EmailOrderBCC": "string",
- "EmailOrderCC": "string",
- "ExternalReference": "string",
- "Fax": "string",
- "GLN": "stringstrings",
- "GLNDelivery": "stringstrings",
- "InvoiceAdministrationFee": "string",
- "InvoiceDiscount": 0.1,
- "InvoiceFreight": "string",
- "InvoiceRemark": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalesAccount": "stri",
- "ShowPriceVATIncluded": true,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Type": "PRIVATE",
- "VATNumber": "string",
- "VATType": "SEVAT",
- "VisitingAddress": "string",
- "VisitingCity": "string",
- "VisitingCountry": "string",
- "VisitingCountryCode": "st",
- "VisitingZipCode": "string",
- "WWW": "string",
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
The updated customer will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
You need to supply the unique customer number of the customer that you want to update.
Only the properties provided in the request body will be updated, properties not provided will left unchanged.
CustomerNumber required | string identifies the customer |
customer to update
object (fortnox_Customer) |
{- "Customer": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "CountryCode": "st",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DefaultDeliveryTypes": {
- "Invoice": "PRINT",
- "Offer": "PRINT",
- "Order": "PRINT"
}, - "DefaultTemplates": {
- "CashInvoice": "string",
- "Invoice": "string",
- "Offer": "string",
- "Order": "string"
}, - "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryCountryCode": "st",
- "DeliveryFax": "string",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryPhone1": "string",
- "DeliveryPhone2": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "Email": "string",
- "EmailInvoice": "string",
- "EmailInvoiceBCC": "string",
- "EmailInvoiceCC": "string",
- "EmailOffer": "string",
- "EmailOfferBCC": "string",
- "EmailOfferCC": "string",
- "EmailOrder": "string",
- "EmailOrderBCC": "string",
- "EmailOrderCC": "string",
- "ExternalReference": "string",
- "Fax": "string",
- "GLN": "stringstrings",
- "GLNDelivery": "stringstrings",
- "InvoiceAdministrationFee": "string",
- "InvoiceDiscount": 0.1,
- "InvoiceFreight": "string",
- "InvoiceRemark": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalesAccount": "stri",
- "ShowPriceVATIncluded": true,
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Type": "PRIVATE",
- "VATNumber": "string",
- "VATType": "SEVAT",
- "VisitingAddress": "string",
- "VisitingCity": "string",
- "VisitingCountry": "string",
- "VisitingCountryCode": "st",
- "VisitingZipCode": "string",
- "WWW": "string",
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
year | integer <int32> eu vat limit regulation for year, if not provided than this will be set to current year |
{- "EUVatLimitRegulation": {
- "IsOverLimit": true,
- "Limit": 0,
- "TotalExclVat": 0.1,
- "Year": "string"
ScheduleId, MonthlySalary and HourlyPay reflect current values, all ScheduleIds are returned in DatedSchedules and all MonthlySalary and HourlyPay pairs are returned in DatedWages.
{- "Employees": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AutoNonRecurringTax": true,
- "AverageHourlyWage": "string",
- "AverageWeeklyHours": "string",
- "BankAccountNo": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ClearingNo": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "DatedSchedules": [
- {
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "FirstDay": "2019-08-24",
- "ScheduleId": "string"
], - "DatedWages": [
- {
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "FirstDay": "2019-08-24",
- "HourlyPay": "string",
- "MonthlySalary": "string"
], - "Email": "string",
- "EmployedTo": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeChildren": [
- {
- "ApprovedDays": 0,
- "Child": "string",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Id": "string",
- "IngoingWithdrawnDays": 0,
- "WithdrawnDays": 0.1
], - "EmployeeId": "string",
- "EmploymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EmploymentForm": "TV",
- "FirstName": "string",
- "ForaType": "A",
- "FullName": "string",
- "HourlyPay": "string",
- "Inactive": true,
- "JobTitle": "string",
- "LastName": "string",
- "MonthlySalary": "string",
- "NonRecurringTax": "string",
- "PersonalIdentityNumber": "string",
- "PersonelType": "TJM",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PostCode": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalaryForm": "MAN",
- "ScheduleId": "string",
- "TaxAllowance": "HUV",
- "TaxColumn": 1,
- "TaxTable": "string",
- "VacationDaysPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingUnpaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredUnpaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysUnpaid": 0.1
EmployeeId is optional. If not supplied the program will generate a unique id.
VacationDaysSaved and all registered and pending vacationdays are read only.
Only one of DatedSchedules and ScheduleId may be supplied. If DatedSchedules are supplied it must have one and only one record where FirstDay = '1970-01-01'. All FirstDay values must greater or equal to '1970-01-01' and unique.
If DatedWages is supplied neither MonthlySalary nor HourlyPay may be supplied. If MonthlySalary or HourlyPay are supplied, DatedWages may not be supplied. If DatedWages are supplied it must have one and only one record where FirstDay = '1970-01-01'. All FirstDay values must greater or equal to '1970-01-01' and unique.
employee to create
object (fortnox_Employee) |
{- "Employee": {
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AutoNonRecurringTax": true,
- "AverageHourlyWage": "string",
- "AverageWeeklyHours": "string",
- "BankAccountNo": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ClearingNo": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "DatedSchedules": [
- {
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "FirstDay": "2019-08-24",
- "ScheduleId": "string"
], - "DatedWages": [
- {
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "FirstDay": "2019-08-24",
- "HourlyPay": "string",
- "MonthlySalary": "string"
], - "Email": "string",
- "EmployedTo": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeChildren": [
- {
- "ApprovedDays": 0,
- "Child": "string",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Id": "string",
- "IngoingWithdrawnDays": 0,
- "WithdrawnDays": 0.1
], - "EmployeeId": "string",
- "EmploymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EmploymentForm": "TV",
- "FirstName": "string",
- "ForaType": "A",
- "FullName": "string",
- "HourlyPay": "string",
- "Inactive": true,
- "JobTitle": "string",
- "LastName": "string",
- "MonthlySalary": "string",
- "NonRecurringTax": "string",
- "PersonalIdentityNumber": "string",
- "PersonelType": "TJM",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PostCode": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalaryForm": "MAN",
- "ScheduleId": "string",
- "TaxAllowance": "HUV",
- "TaxColumn": 1,
- "TaxTable": "string",
- "VacationDaysPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingUnpaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredUnpaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysUnpaid": 0.1
ScheduleId, MonthlySalary and HourlyPay reflect current values, all ScheduleIds are returned in DatedSchedules and all MonthlySalary and HourlyPay pairs are returned in DatedWages.
EmployeeId required | string identifies the employee |
{- "Employee": {
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AutoNonRecurringTax": true,
- "AverageHourlyWage": "string",
- "AverageWeeklyHours": "string",
- "BankAccountNo": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ClearingNo": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "DatedSchedules": [
- {
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "FirstDay": "2019-08-24",
- "ScheduleId": "string"
], - "DatedWages": [
- {
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "FirstDay": "2019-08-24",
- "HourlyPay": "string",
- "MonthlySalary": "string"
], - "Email": "string",
- "EmployedTo": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeChildren": [
- {
- "ApprovedDays": 0,
- "Child": "string",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Id": "string",
- "IngoingWithdrawnDays": 0,
- "WithdrawnDays": 0.1
], - "EmployeeId": "string",
- "EmploymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EmploymentForm": "TV",
- "FirstName": "string",
- "ForaType": "A",
- "FullName": "string",
- "HourlyPay": "string",
- "Inactive": true,
- "JobTitle": "string",
- "LastName": "string",
- "MonthlySalary": "string",
- "NonRecurringTax": "string",
- "PersonalIdentityNumber": "string",
- "PersonelType": "TJM",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PostCode": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalaryForm": "MAN",
- "ScheduleId": "string",
- "TaxAllowance": "HUV",
- "TaxColumn": 1,
- "TaxTable": "string",
- "VacationDaysPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingUnpaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredUnpaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysUnpaid": 0.1
Only one of DatedSchedules and ScheduleId may be supplied. If DatedSchedules are supplied it must have one and only one record where FirstDay = '1970-01-01'. All FirstDay values must greater or equal to '1970-01-01' and unique.
VacationDaysSaved and all registered and pending vacationdays are read only.
If DatedWages is supplied neither MonthlySalary nor HourlyPay may be supplied. If MonthlySalary or HourlyPay are supplied, DatedWages may not be supplied. If DatedWages are supplied it must have one and only one record where FirstDay = '1970-01-01'. All FirstDay values must greater or equal to '1970-01-01' and unique.
EmployeeId required | string identifies the employee |
employee to update
object (fortnox_Employee) |
{- "Employee": {
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AutoNonRecurringTax": true,
- "AverageHourlyWage": "string",
- "AverageWeeklyHours": "string",
- "BankAccountNo": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ClearingNo": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "DatedSchedules": [
- {
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "FirstDay": "2019-08-24",
- "ScheduleId": "string"
], - "DatedWages": [
- {
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "FirstDay": "2019-08-24",
- "HourlyPay": "string",
- "MonthlySalary": "string"
], - "Email": "string",
- "EmployedTo": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeChildren": [
- {
- "ApprovedDays": 0,
- "Child": "string",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Id": "string",
- "IngoingWithdrawnDays": 0,
- "WithdrawnDays": 0.1
], - "EmployeeId": "string",
- "EmploymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EmploymentForm": "TV",
- "FirstName": "string",
- "ForaType": "A",
- "FullName": "string",
- "HourlyPay": "string",
- "Inactive": true,
- "JobTitle": "string",
- "LastName": "string",
- "MonthlySalary": "string",
- "NonRecurringTax": "string",
- "PersonalIdentityNumber": "string",
- "PersonelType": "TJM",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PostCode": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalaryForm": "MAN",
- "ScheduleId": "string",
- "TaxAllowance": "HUV",
- "TaxColumn": 1,
- "TaxTable": "string",
- "VacationDaysPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPendingUnpaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredPaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredPrepaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysRegisteredUnpaid": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSaved": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedEmploymentRateYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear1": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear2": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear3": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear4": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear5": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysSavedYear6Plus": 0.1,
- "VacationDaysUnpaid": 0.1
Fortnox Finans Invoice resources
These endpoints are useful when transferring an invoice to Fortnox Finans factoring service. When Fortnox Finans has taken over the responsibility for collecting the invoice - the actual invoice, reminders, collections etc (depending on settings) are automatically sent to the customer on the selected media.
Important before you start Please note that you need to get a special sandbox instance of Fortnox to test Fortnox Finans services, if you are using a production sandbox, it will send out invoices and start the reminder process and charge you for the service.
Also note that older invoices (typically dated before 2020-04) might be handled in "Noxbox", a platform previously used for administering invoices sent using Fortnox Finans' services. If this platform has been used for an invoice, some endpoints described below will not be available. In the "Retrieve a Fortnox Finans invoice" section it’s described how to determine if the old "Noxbox" platform was used.
Type of services
A Fortnox user can let Fortnox Finans handle their customer ledger. Fortnox Finans currently offers two types of services
Depending on customer settings, two subtypes of the service are available:
Scope of your application registered to Fortnox must contain "Invoice Noxfinans" Fortnox Finans services must have been activated in the client database
Credit Invoices
Credit Invoice in Fortnox must have a connection to a debit invoice Debit invoice must have a open balance >= credit invoice amount
To be able to use the endpoints, valid authentication must be provided. These are provided by Fortnox Finans when setting up the external api connection.
An access token (in the examples below stated as my_access_token) must be provided in the header of the request.
A client secret (in the examples below stated as my_client_secret) must be provided in the header of the request.
curl -X "GET" ""
-H "Access-Token: my_access_token"
-H "Client-Secret: my_client_secret"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Accept: application/json"
When sending an invoice with Fortnox Finans you will get the invoice status returned if everything succeeded, if there were any problems, an error will be returned.
Please note that it can take 1 min to several hours before you will get back status, OCR number and link to PDF document, meanwhile the invoice will have status UNKNOWN or NOT_AUTHORIZED.
Fortnox Finans is currently only accepting invoices in SEK
Parameters in the body:
The payload for sending an invoice with Fortnox Finans
object (fortnox_CreatePayload) |
{- "NoxFinansInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "BalanceIncludeFees": 0.1,
- "BalanceIncludeFeesCurrency": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalance": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalanceCurrency": 0.1,
- "InvoiceDocumentURL": "string",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "NextEvent": "string",
- "NextEventDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OCRNumber": "string",
- "Service": "string",
- "ServiceName": "string",
- "Status": "string"
Retrieves the status and balance of an invoice sent to Fortnox Finans. You need to supply the invoice number in Fortox to retrieve the invoice.
Note that invoices sent with the old "Noxbox" platform will not have the "ServiceName" property in the response. This new property is added to the response if the invoice is sent with the new finance service.
Response explanation for Service and ServiceName
ServiceName (only provided for new finance service invoices):
Number required | string The Fortnox invoice number |
{- "NoxFinansInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "BalanceIncludeFees": 0.1,
- "BalanceIncludeFeesCurrency": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalance": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalanceCurrency": 0.1,
- "InvoiceDocumentURL": "string",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "NextEvent": "string",
- "NextEventDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OCRNumber": "string",
- "Service": "string",
- "ServiceName": "string",
- "Status": "string"
Pauses an invoice for up to 60 days. Pause means that Fortnox Finans reminder process will stop for the invoice. All invoices which have the status OPEN can be paused.
Note: this action is not available for invoices sent by the old Noxbox platform
Parameters in the body:
Number required | string The Fortnox invoice number |
The payload for sending an invoice with Fortnox Finans
object (fortnox_PausePayload) |
{- "NoxFinansInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "BalanceIncludeFees": 0.1,
- "BalanceIncludeFeesCurrency": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalance": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalanceCurrency": 0.1,
- "InvoiceDocumentURL": "string",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "NextEvent": "string",
- "NextEventDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OCRNumber": "string",
- "Service": "string",
- "ServiceName": "string",
- "Status": "string"
If a customer has paid some or all of the capital on an invoice directly to the client, this can be reported for bookkeeping purposes and reported to Fortnox Finans to actually deduct the paid amount from the invoice.
Note: this action is not available for invoices sent by the old Noxbox platform
Parameters in the body:
Number required | string The Fortnox invoice number |
The payload for sending an invoice with Fortnox Finans
object (fortnox_ReportPaymentPayload) |
{- "NoxFinansInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "BalanceIncludeFees": 0.1,
- "BalanceIncludeFeesCurrency": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalance": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalanceCurrency": 0.1,
- "InvoiceDocumentURL": "string",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "NextEvent": "string",
- "NextEventDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OCRNumber": "string",
- "Service": "string",
- "ServiceName": "string",
- "Status": "string"
Removes the invoice from Fortnox Finans process. The invoice can still be handled manually, but no further automatic process will be applied
Note: this action is not available for invoices sent by the old Noxbox platform
Number required | string The Fortnox invoice number |
{- "NoxFinansInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "BalanceIncludeFees": 0.1,
- "BalanceIncludeFeesCurrency": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalance": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalanceCurrency": 0.1,
- "InvoiceDocumentURL": "string",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "NextEvent": "string",
- "NextEventDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OCRNumber": "string",
- "Service": "string",
- "ServiceName": "string",
- "Status": "string"
If fees have been added to an invoice, e.g. reminder fees, the client can choose to pay those fees instead of letting the customer pay.
Note: this action is not available for invoices sent by the old Noxbox platform
Number required | string The Fortnox invoice number |
{- "NoxFinansInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "BalanceIncludeFees": 0.1,
- "BalanceIncludeFeesCurrency": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalance": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalanceCurrency": 0.1,
- "InvoiceDocumentURL": "string",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "NextEvent": "string",
- "NextEventDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OCRNumber": "string",
- "Service": "string",
- "ServiceName": "string",
- "Status": "string"
Unpauses a paused invoice. If the invoice is manually paused, then this action will remove the pause status immediately. Invoices which are paused by the system cannot be unpaused.
Note: this action is not available for invoices sent by the old Noxbox platform
Number required | string The Fortnox invoice number |
{- "NoxFinansInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "BalanceIncludeFees": 0.1,
- "BalanceIncludeFeesCurrency": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalance": 0.1,
- "CurrentCapitalBalanceCurrency": 0.1,
- "InvoiceDocumentURL": "string",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "NextEvent": "string",
- "NextEventDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OCRNumber": "string",
- "Service": "string",
- "ServiceName": "string",
- "Status": "string"
Add the query param to filter on specific date.
Date | string <date> date to filter on, for example 2020-06-30 |
{- "FinancialYears": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountChartType": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "FromDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Id": 0,
- "ToDate": "2019-08-24"
to create
required | object (fortnox_FinancialYear) |
{- "FinancialYear": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountChartType": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "FromDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Id": 0,
- "ToDate": "2019-08-24"
Id required | integer <int32> identifies the year |
{- "FinancialYear": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountChartType": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "FromDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Id": 0,
- "ToDate": "2019-08-24"
Path | Description |
Inbox_a | Asset register |
Inbox_d | Daily takings |
Inbox_s | Supplier invoices |
Inbox_v | Vouchers |
Inbox_b | Bank files |
Inbox_l | Payroll files |
Inbox_kf | Customer invoices |
Inbox_o | Orders |
Inbox_of | Offers |
{- "Folder": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Email": "string",
- "Files": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArchiveFileId": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "Id": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "Path": "string",
- "Size": 0
], - "Folders": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Id": "string",
- "Name": "string"
], - "Id": "string",
- "Name": "string"
Upload a file to a specific subdirectory.
folderId | string folder id |
path | string path |
file | object file |
{- "File": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArchiveFileId": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "Id": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "Path": "string",
- "Size": 0
The invoice accruals register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a InvoiceNumber in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a InvoiceNumber will return a list of records.
{- "InvoiceAccruals": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "Period": "MONTHLY"
invoice accrual to create
object (fortnox_InvoiceAccrual) |
{- "InvoiceAccrual": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccrualAccount": 1000,
- "Description": "string",
- "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceAccrualRows": [
- {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "Period": "MONTHLY",
- "RevenueAccount": 1000,
- "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Times": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true
InvoiceNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the invoice accrual |
{- "InvoiceAccrual": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccrualAccount": 1000,
- "Description": "string",
- "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceAccrualRows": [
- {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "Period": "MONTHLY",
- "RevenueAccount": 1000,
- "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Times": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true
InvoiceNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the invoice accrual |
invoice accrual to update
object (fortnox_InvoiceAccrual) |
{- "InvoiceAccrual": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccrualAccount": 1000,
- "Description": "string",
- "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceAccrualRows": [
- {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "Period": "MONTHLY",
- "RevenueAccount": 1000,
- "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Times": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true
invoicenumber | integer <int32> filter by invoice number |
lastmodified | string filter by last modified |
sortby | string Value: "paymentdate" field to sort returned list on |
{- "InvoicePayments": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "Number": "string",
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Source": "string",
- "WriteOffExist": true
invoice payment to create
object (fortnox_InvoicePayment) |
{- "InvoicePayment": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "AmountCurrency": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "InvoiceCustomerName": "string",
- "InvoiceCustomerNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "InvoiceOCR": "string",
- "InvoiceTotal": "string",
- "ModeOfPayment": "string",
- "ModeOfPaymentAccount": 1000,
- "Number": "string",
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Source": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WriteOffs": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
Number required | string identifies the invoice payment |
{- "InvoicePayment": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "AmountCurrency": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "InvoiceCustomerName": "string",
- "InvoiceCustomerNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "InvoiceOCR": "string",
- "InvoiceTotal": "string",
- "ModeOfPayment": "string",
- "ModeOfPaymentAccount": 1000,
- "Number": "string",
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Source": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WriteOffs": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
Number required | string identifies the invoice payment |
invoice payment to update
object (fortnox_InvoicePayment) |
{- "InvoicePayment": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "AmountCurrency": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "InvoiceCustomerName": "string",
- "InvoiceCustomerNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "InvoiceOCR": "string",
- "InvoiceTotal": "string",
- "ModeOfPayment": "string",
- "ModeOfPaymentAccount": 1000,
- "Number": "string",
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Source": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WriteOffs": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
Number required | string identifies the invoice payment |
invoice payment to update
object (fortnox_InvoicePayment) |
{- "InvoicePayment": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "AmountCurrency": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "InvoiceCustomerName": "string",
- "InvoiceCustomerNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "InvoiceOCR": "string",
- "InvoiceTotal": "string",
- "ModeOfPayment": "string",
- "ModeOfPaymentAccount": 1000,
- "Number": "string",
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Source": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WriteOffs": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
Note! if you are sending the invoice with Fortnox Finans, check out the Finance Invoices section
Filter | Description |
cancelled | Retrieves all invoices with the status "cancelled". |
fullypaid | Retrieves all invoices that has been fully paid. |
unpaid | Retrieves all invoices that is unpaid. |
unpaidoverdue | Retrieves all invoices that is unpaid and overdue. |
unbooked | Retrieves all invoices that is unbooked. |
filter | string Enum: "cancelled" "fullypaid" "unpaid" "unpaidoverdue" "unbooked" possibility to filter invoices |
costcenter | string |
customername | string |
customernumber | string |
label | string |
documentnumber | string |
fromdate | string |
todate | string |
fromfinalpaydate | string |
tofinalpaydate | string |
lastmodified | string |
notcompleted | string |
ocr | string |
ourreference | string |
project | string |
sent | string |
externalinvoicereference1 | string |
externalinvoicereference2 | string |
yourreference | string |
invoicetype | string |
articlenumber | string |
articledescription | string |
currency | string |
accountnumberfrom | string |
accountnumberto | string |
yourordernumber | string |
credit | string |
sortby | string Enum: "customername" "customernumber" "documentnumber" "invoicedate" "ocr" "total" field to sort returned list on |
{- "Invoices": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Sent": true,
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string"
An endpoint for creating an invoice. While it is possible to create an invoice without rows, we encourage you to add them if you can. Omitted values in the payload will be supplied by Predefined values which can be edited in the Fortnox account settings. Note that Predefined values will always be overwritten by values provided through the API.
Should you have EasyVat enabled, it is mandatory to provide an account in the request should you use a custom VAT rate.
This endpoint can produce errors, some of which may only be relevant for EasyVat. Refer to the table below.
Error Code | HTTP Code | Description | Solution |
2004167 | 400 | An account must be provided when using a custom VAT rate and EasyVat has been enabled. | Supply each row which has a custom VAT rate with an account. |
Note: The EuQuarterlyReport property will become obsolete at 2021-12-01. This property is currently used by the Quarterly report as one of the conditions that determine if an invoice should be included in the report or not. A new version of the Quarterly report is released at 2021-12-01. In the new report, this property will not be used when determining if an invoice should be included in the report or not, with one exception: if the invoice is created before 2021-12-01, and this property is false, the invoice will be excluded from the report. For invoices created 2021-12-01 and later, this property will have no effect.
object (fortnox_InvoicePayload) |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the invoice |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
Note that there are two approaches for updating the rows on an invoice.
If RowId is not specified on any row, the rows will be mapped and updated in the order in which they are set in the array. All rows that should remain on the invoice needs to be provided.
If RowId is specified on one or more rows the following goes: Corresponding row with that id will be updated. The rows without RowId will be interpreted as new rows. If a row should not be updated but remain on the invoice then specify only RowId like { "RowId": 123 }, otherwise it will be removed. Note that new RowIds are generated for all rows every time an invoice is updated.
Note: The EuQuarterlyReport property will become obsolete at 2021-12-01. This property is currently used by the Quarterly report as one of the conditions that determine if an invoice should be included in the report or not. A new version of the Quarterly report is released at 2021-12-01. In the new report, this property will not be used when determining if an invoice should be included in the report or not, with one exception: if the invoice is created before 2021-12-01, and this property is false, the invoice will be excluded from the report. For invoices created 2021-12-01 and later, this property will have no effect.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the invoice |
object (fortnox_InvoicePayload) |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
The created credit invoice will be referenced in the property CreditInvoiceReference.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the invoice |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the invoice |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
You can use the properties in the EmailInformation to customize the e-mail message on each invoice.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the invoice |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the invoice |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
Use this endpoint to set invoice as sent, without generating an invoice.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the invoice |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
Used for marking a document as ready in the warehouse module. DeliveryState needs to be set to "delivery".
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the invoice |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
The created label will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned.
to create
required | object (fortnox_Label) |
{- "Label": {
- "Description": "string",
- "Id": 0
Deletes the label and its connection to documents permanently. You need to supply the unique label id that was returned when the label was created or retrieved from the list of labels.
Id required | integer <int32> identifies the label |
{- "ErrorInformation": {
- "Code": 0,
- "Error": 0,
- "Message": "string"
Updates the specified label with the values provided in the properties. Any property not provided will be left unchanged.
Id required | integer <int32> identifies the label |
to update
required | object (fortnox_Label) |
{- "Label": {
- "Description": "string",
- "Id": 0
The modes of payments register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a Code in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a Code will return a list of records.
{- "ModesOfPayments": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountNumber": "stri",
- "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string"
Code required | string identifies the mode of payment |
mode of payment to update
required | object (fortnox_ModeOfPayment) |
{- "ModeOfPayment": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountNumber": "stri",
- "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string"
Filter | Description |
cancelled | Retrieves all offers with the status "cancelled" |
expired | Retrieves all offers that has been expired |
completed | Retrieves all offers where an order or invoice has been created |
notcompleted | Retrieves all offers where an order or invoice has not been created |
ordercreated | Retrieves all offers where an order has been created |
ordernotcreated | Retrieves all offers where an order has not been created |
filter | string Enum: "cancelled" "expired" "completed" "notcompleted" "ordercreated" "ordernotcreated" possibility to filter offers |
customername | string filter by customer name |
customernumber | string filter by customer number |
documentnumber | string filter by document number |
costcenter | string filter by cost center |
label | string filter by label |
fromdate | string filter by from date |
todate | string filter by to date |
project | string filter by project |
sent | boolean filter by sent |
notcompleted | boolean filter by not completed |
ourreference | string filter by our reference |
yourreference | string filter by your reference |
lastmodified | string filter by last modified |
sortby | string Enum: "customerName" "id" "transactionDate" "total" sort returned list of offers |
{- "Offers": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Cancelled": true,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "OfferDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Project": "string",
- "Sent": true,
- "Total": 0.1
An endpoint for creating an offer.
Should you have EasyVat enabled, it is mandatory to provide an account in the request should you use a custom VAT rate.
This endpoint can produce errors, some of which may only be relevant for EasyVat. Refer to the table below.
Error Code | HTTP Code | Description | Solution |
2004167 | 400 | An account must be provided when using a custom VAT rate and EasyVat has been enabled. | Supply each row which has a custom VAT rate with an account. |
to create
object (fortnox_Offer) |
{- "Offer": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExpireDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "OfferDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OfferRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "YourReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
{- "Offer": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExpireDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "OfferDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OfferRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "YourReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
Note that there are two approaches for updating the rows on an offer.
If RowId is not specified on any row, the rows will be mapped and updated in the order in which they are set in the array. All rows that should remain on the offer needs to be provided.
If RowId is specified on one or more rows the following goes: Corresponding row with that id will be updated. The rows without RowId will be interpreted as new rows. If a row should not be updated but remain on the offer then specify only RowId like { "RowId": 123 }, otherwise it will be removed. Note that new RowIds are generated for all rows every time an offer is updated.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the offer |
to update
object (fortnox_Offer) |
{- "Offer": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
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- "Discount": 0.1,
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- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
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- "Project": "string",
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- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
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- "Phone2": "string",
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- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
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- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
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- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "YourReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
{- "Offer": {
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- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
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- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
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- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
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- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
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- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
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- "Phone2": "string",
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- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
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- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "YourReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the offer |
{- "Order": {
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- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
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- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryState": "registration",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
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- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
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- "Net": 0.1,
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- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderDate": "2019-08-24",
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- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
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- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
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- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "ReservedQuantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
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- "Phone2": "string",
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- "PrintTemplate": "string",
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- "Remarks": "string",
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- "Sent": true,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the offer |
{- "Order": {
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- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
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- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryState": "registration",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
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- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
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- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
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- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OrderRows": [
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- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "OrderedQuantity": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "ReservedQuantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderType": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
You can use the properties in the EmailInformation to customize the e-mail message on each offer.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the offer |
{- "Offer": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExpireDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "OfferDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OfferRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "YourReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
Use this endpoint to set offer as sent, without generating an offer.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the offer |
{- "Offer": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExpireDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "OfferDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OfferRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "YourReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
Filter | Description |
cancelled | Retrieves all orders with the status "cancelled" |
expired | Retrieves all orders that has been expired |
invoicecreated | Retrieves all offers where an invoice has been created |
invoicenotcreated | Retrieves all orders where an invoice has not been created |
filter | string Enum: "cancelled" "expired" "invoicecreated" "invoicenotcreated" possibility to filter orders |
customername | string filter by customer name |
customernumber | string filter by customer number |
label | string filter by label |
documentnumber | string filter by document number |
externalinvoicereference1 | string filter by external invoice reference 1 |
externalinvoicereference2 | string filter by external invoice reference 2 |
fromdate | string filter by from date |
todate | string filter by to date |
costcenter | string filter by cost center |
project | string filter by project |
sent | boolean filter by sent |
notcompleted | boolean filter by not completed |
ourreference | string filter by ourreference |
yourreference | string filter by your reference |
lastmodified | string filter by lastmodified |
ordertype | string filter by order type |
sortby | string Enum: "customername" "customernumber" "orderdate" "documentnumber" "total" field to sort returned list |
{- "Orders": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Cancelled": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "OrderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OrderType": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Sent": true,
- "Total": 0.1
An endpoint for creating an order.
Should you have EasyVat enabled, it is mandatory to provide an account in the request should you use a custom VAT rate.
This endpoint can produce errors, some of which may only be relevant for EasyVat. Refer to the table below.
Error Code | HTTP Code | Description | Solution |
2004167 | 400 | An account must be provided when using a custom VAT rate and EasyVat has been enabled. | Supply each row which has a custom VAT rate with an account. |
order to create
object (fortnox_Order) |
{- "Order": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryState": "registration",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OrderRows": [
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- "AccountNumber": 0,
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- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
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- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "ReservedQuantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderType": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
{- "Order": {
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- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
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- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryState": "registration",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OrderRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "OrderedQuantity": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "ReservedQuantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderType": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
Note that there are two approaches for updating the rows on an order.
If RowId is not specified on any row, the rows will be mapped and updated in the order in which they are set in the array. All rows that should remain on the order needs to be provided.
If RowId is specified on one or more rows the following goes: Corresponding row with that id will be updated. The rows without RowId will be interpreted as new rows. If a row should not be updated but remain on the order then specify only RowId like { "RowId": 123 }, otherwise it will be removed. Note that new RowIds are generated for all rows every time an order is updated.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the order |
order to update
object (fortnox_Order) |
{- "Order": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryState": "registration",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OrderRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "OrderedQuantity": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "ReservedQuantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderType": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
{- "Order": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryState": "registration",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OrderRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "OrderedQuantity": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "ReservedQuantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderType": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the order |
{- "Invoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "Balance": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContractReference": 0,
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Credit": "string",
- "CreditInvoiceReference": "string",
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "EDIInformation": {
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumber": "string",
- "EDIGlobalLocationNumberDelivery": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra1": "string",
- "EDIInvoiceExtra2": "string",
- "EDIOurElectronicReference": "string",
- "EDIStatus": "string",
- "EDIYourElectronicReference": "string"
}, - "EUQuarterlyReport": true,
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodEnd": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoicePeriodReference": "string",
- "InvoicePeriodStart": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 999,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalExcludingVAT": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "SV",
- "LastRemindDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "NoxFinans": true,
- "OCR": "string",
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderReference": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "PaymentWay": "CASH",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "Reminders": 0,
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "TaxReduction": 0,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
You can use the properties in the EmailInformation to customize the e-mail message on each order.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the order |
{- "Order": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryState": "registration",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OrderRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "OrderedQuantity": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "ReservedQuantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderType": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
Use this endpoint to set order as sent, without generating an order.
DocumentNumber required | string identifies the order |
{- "Order": {
- "@url": "string",
- "@urlTaxReductionList": "string",
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "AdministrationFee": 0.1,
- "AdministrationFeeVAT": 0.1,
- "BasisTaxReduction": 0.1,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "City": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": 0.1,
- "ContributionValue": 0.1,
- "CopyRemarks": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "CustomerNumber": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress1": "string",
- "DeliveryAddress2": "string",
- "DeliveryCity": "string",
- "DeliveryCountry": "string",
- "DeliveryDate": "2019-08-24",
- "DeliveryName": "string",
- "DeliveryState": "registration",
- "DeliveryZipCode": "string",
- "DocumentNumber": "string",
- "EmailInformation": {
- "EmailAddressBCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressCC": "string",
- "EmailAddressFrom": "string",
- "EmailAddressTo": "string",
- "EmailBody": "string",
- "EmailSubject": "string"
}, - "ExternalInvoiceReference1": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceReference2": "string",
- "Freight": 0.1,
- "FreightVAT": 0.1,
- "Gross": 0.1,
- "HouseWork": true,
- "InvoiceReference": "string",
- "Labels": [
- {
- "Id": 0
], - "Language": "string",
- "Net": 0.1,
- "NotCompleted": true,
- "OfferReference": "string",
- "OrderDate": "2019-08-24",
- "OrderRows": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 0,
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "ContributionPercent": "string",
- "ContributionValue": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "DeliveredQuantity": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Discount": 0.1,
- "DiscountType": "AMOUNT",
- "HouseWork": true,
- "HouseWorkHoursToReport": 0,
- "HouseWorkType": "CONSTRUCTION",
- "OrderedQuantity": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "ReservedQuantity": "string",
- "RowId": 0,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "Unit": "string",
- "VAT": 0.1,
- "VATCode": "string"
], - "OrderType": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "OutboundDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PriceList": "string",
- "PrintTemplate": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "RoundOff": 0.1,
- "Sent": true,
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "StockPointId": "string",
- "TaxReduction": 0.1,
- "TaxReductionType": "none",
- "TermsOfDelivery": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "TimeBasisReference": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TotalToPay": 0.1,
- "TotalVAT": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true,
- "WarehouseReady": true,
- "WayOfDelivery": "string",
- "YourOrderNumber": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
An endpoint for updating a Predefined Account. Predefined Accounts are identified by their name-field, and as such must be unique. Some Predefined Accounts distinguish between Goods and Services. In this case, the former retains the original name whereas the latter ends with a 2. Such as SALES and SALES2. Accounts are chosen from the Account Registry, and if you have EasyVat enabled then the new EasyVat Predefined Accounts (SALES_25_SE, etc.) have certain restrictions on the accounts that can be selected. Refer to the table below.
Name | VAT Code | Restrictions |
SALES_25_SE | MP1 | Must have a compatible VAT Code. |
SALES_12_SE | MP2 | Must have a compatible VAT Code. |
SALES_6_SE | MP3 | Must have a compatible VAT Code. |
SALES_0_SE | MF | Must have a compatible VAT Code. |
This endpoint can produce errors, some of which may only be relevant for EasyVat. Refer to the table below.
Error Code | HTTP Code | Description | Solution |
2001265 | 400 | The provided account is invalid. It either has not been provided, does not exist, or is inactive. | Verify that an account has been provided and that it exists and is active. |
2002462 | 400 | The account is not in a valid format. | Verify that the format of the account is correct. It has to consist of 4 digits. |
2000729 | 400 | A Predefined Account has not been provided. | Verify that a valid Predefined Account has been provided as a PATH-parameter. |
2004052 | 400 | The provided account has an incompatible VAT Code. Only applies if EasyVat has been enabled. | Verify that the provided account has a VAT Code that is compatible with the selected Predefined Account. Refer to the table above for more information about compatibility. |
If you have activated EasyVat, you can read more about how to use the new Predefined Accounts with your documents in their respective api documentation.
name required | string identifies the predefined account |
predefined account to update
required | object (fortnox_PredefinedAccount) |
{- "PreDefinedAccount": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Account": 1000,
- "Name": "string"
Name required | string identifies the predefined voucher series |
predefined voucher series to update
object (fortnox_PredefinedVoucherSeries) |
{- "PreDefinedVoucherSeries": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "VoucherSeries": "s"
The price lists register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a Code in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a Code will return a list of records.
{- "PriceLists": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Code": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "PreSelected": true
Code required | string identifies the price list |
price list to update
required | object (fortnox_PriceList) |
{- "PriceList": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Code": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "PreSelected": true
The list contains a slimmer version of the prices. To get a full entity, use the GET with a price list, article number and from quantity.
PriceList required | string identifies the price list of the prices |
ArticleNumber required | string identifies the article number of the prices |
{- "Prices": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "FromQuantity": 0.1,
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceList": "string"
PriceList required | string identifies the price list |
ArticleNumber required | string identifies the article |
{- "Price": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "FromQuantity": 0.1,
- "Percent": 0.1,
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceList": "string"
PriceList required | string identifies the price list |
ArticleNumber required | string identifies the article number |
price to update
object (fortnox_Price) |
{- "Price": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "FromQuantity": 0.1,
- "Percent": 0.1,
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceList": "string"
PriceList required | string identifies the price list |
ArticleNumber required | string identifies the article number |
FromQuantity required | number <double> identifies the from quantity |
{- "ErrorInformation": {
- "Code": 0,
- "Error": 0,
- "Message": "string"
PriceList required | string identifies the price list |
ArticleNumber required | string identifies the article |
FromQuantity required | number <double> identifies from quantity |
{- "Price": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "FromQuantity": 0.1,
- "Percent": 0.1,
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceList": "string"
PriceList required | string identifies the price list |
ArticleNumber required | string identifies the article number |
FromQuantity required | number <double> identifies the from quantity |
price to update
object (fortnox_Price) |
{- "Price": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "FromQuantity": 0.1,
- "Percent": 0.1,
- "Price": 0.1,
- "PriceList": "string"
The project register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a ProjectNumber in the URL, a single record will be returned. If no ProjectNumber is provided, a list of records will be returned.
{- "Projects": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ProjectLeader": "string",
- "ProjectNumber": "string",
- "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Status": "NOTSTARTED"
{- "Project": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContactPerson": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ProjectLeader": "string",
- "ProjectNumber": "string",
- "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Status": "NOTSTARTED"
ProjectNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the project |
{- "Project": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContactPerson": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ProjectLeader": "string",
- "ProjectNumber": "string",
- "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Status": "NOTSTARTED"
ProjectNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the project |
to update
object (fortnox_Project) |
{- "Project": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "ContactPerson": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ProjectLeader": "string",
- "ProjectNumber": "string",
- "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Status": "NOTSTARTED"
Salary Transaction resources
Usable SalaryCodes:
You can get a list of usable salary codes in the GUI from Register, Lönearter och koder − Lönearter by choosing one of two tables and pressing print.
Depending on which salary code table (löneartstabell) that is set in the settings (Inställningar, Lön, Avtal för arbetare/tjänsteman − Allmänt) you can choose the salary code to use from either salary code table.
Make sure to use the correct table that is used for the employee PersonelType you want to sent the salary transaction for. Some salary codes do not exist in every table.
Supports query-string parameters employeeid and date for filtering the result.
employeeId | string filter on employeeId |
date | string <date> filter on date |
{- "SalaryTransactions": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Expense": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalaryCode": "string",
- "SalaryRow": 0,
- "TextRow": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string"
to create
required | object (fortnox_SalaryTransaction) |
{- "SalaryTransaction": {
- "Amount": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Expense": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalaryCode": "string",
- "SalaryRow": 0,
- "TextRow": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string"
SalaryRow required | integer <int32> identifies the salary transaction |
{- "SalaryTransaction": {
- "Amount": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Expense": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalaryCode": "string",
- "SalaryRow": 0,
- "TextRow": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string"
SalaryRow required | integer <int32> identifies the salary transaction |
{- "SalaryTransaction": {
- "Amount": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Expense": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalaryCode": "string",
- "SalaryRow": 0,
- "TextRow": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string"
SalaryRow required | integer <int32> identifies the salary transaction |
to update
required | object (fortnox_SalaryTransaction) |
{- "SalaryTransaction": {
- "Amount": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Expense": "string",
- "Number": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SalaryCode": "string",
- "SalaryRow": 0,
- "TextRow": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string"
EmployeeId required | string identifies the employee |
Date required | string <date> identifies the date |
{- "ScheduleTime": {
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Hours": "string",
- "IWH1": "string",
- "IWH2": "string",
- "IWH3": "string",
- "IWH4": "string",
- "IWH5": "string",
- "ScheduleId": "string"
EmployeeId required | string identifies the employee |
Date required | string <date> identifies the date |
to update
object (fortnox_ScheduleTime) |
{- "ScheduleTime": {
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Hours": "string",
- "IWH1": "string",
- "IWH2": "string",
- "IWH3": "string",
- "IWH4": "string",
- "IWH5": "string",
- "ScheduleId": "string"
EmployeeId required | string identifies the employee |
Date required | string <date> identifies the date |
{- "ScheduleTime": {
- "Date": "2019-08-24",
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "Hours": "string",
- "IWH1": "string",
- "IWH2": "string",
- "IWH3": "string",
- "IWH4": "string",
- "IWH5": "string",
- "ScheduleId": "string"
Type | Description |
FinancialYear | Retreives the SIE-files for the specific financial year |
Example: | |
The supplier invoice accruals register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a SupplierInvoiceNumber in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a SupplierInvoiceNumber will return a list of records.
{- "SupplierInvoiceAccruals": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Period": "MONTHLY",
- "SupplierInvoiceNumber": 0
to create
required | object (fortnox_SupplierInvoiceAccrual) |
{- "SupplierInvoiceAccrual": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccrualAccount": 1000,
- "CostAccount": 1000,
- "Description": "string",
- "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Period": "MONTHLY",
- "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
- "SupplierInvoiceAccrualRows": [
- {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "SupplierInvoiceNumber": 0,
- "Times": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true
SupplierInvoiceNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the supplier invoice accrual |
{- "SupplierInvoiceAccrual": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccrualAccount": 1000,
- "CostAccount": 1000,
- "Description": "string",
- "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Period": "MONTHLY",
- "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
- "SupplierInvoiceAccrualRows": [
- {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "SupplierInvoiceNumber": 0,
- "Times": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true
SupplierInvoiceNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the supplier invoice accrual |
to update
required | object (fortnox_SupplierInvoiceAccrual) |
{- "SupplierInvoiceAccrual": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccrualAccount": 1000,
- "CostAccount": 1000,
- "Description": "string",
- "EndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Period": "MONTHLY",
- "StartDate": "2019-08-24",
- "SupplierInvoiceAccrualRows": [
- {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 0,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "SupplierInvoiceNumber": 0,
- "Times": 0,
- "Total": 0.1,
- "VATIncluded": true
Supplier Invoice External URL Connections resource Note: Requires a supplier invoice file attachment to be visible in Fortnox GUI.
ExternalURLConnection | string |
SupplierInvoiceNumber | integer <int32> |
{- "SupplierInvoiceExternalURLConnection": {
- "ExternalURLConnection": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "SupplierInvoiceNumber": 0,
- "Url": "string"
Id required | integer <int32> id |
ExternalURLConnection | string |
SupplierInvoiceNumber | integer <int32> |
{- "SupplierInvoiceExternalURLConnection": {
- "ExternalURLConnection": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "SupplierInvoiceNumber": 0,
- "Url": "string"
The supplier invoice file connections register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a FileId in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a FileId will return a list of records.
{- "SupplierInvoiceFileConnections": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "FileId": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "SupplierInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "SupplierName": "string"
supplier invoice file connection to create
object (fortnox_SupplierInvoiceFileConnection) |
{- "SupplierInvoiceFileConnection": {
- "@url": "string",
- "FileId": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "SupplierInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "SupplierName": "string"
FileId required | string identifies the file connection |
{- "SupplierInvoiceFileConnection": {
- "@url": "string",
- "FileId": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "SupplierInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "SupplierName": "string"
Supplier invoice payments resources
Search | Description |
invoicenumber | Retrives supplier invoice payments modified by invoicenumber |
lastmodified | Retrives supplier invoice payments modified after provided date and time |
{- "SupplierInvoicePayments": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "Number": 0,
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Source": "manual",
- "WriteOffExist": true
to create
object (fortnox_SupplierInvoicePayment) |
{- "SupplierInvoicePayment": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "AmountCurrency": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "Information": "string",
- "InvoiceDueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceOCR": "string",
- "InvoiceSupplierName": "string",
- "InvoiceSupplierNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceTotal": "string",
- "ModeOfPayment": "string",
- "Number": 0,
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Source": "manual",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WriteOffs": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
Number required | integer <int32> identifies the supplier invoice payment |
{- "SupplierInvoicePayment": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "AmountCurrency": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "Information": "string",
- "InvoiceDueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceOCR": "string",
- "InvoiceSupplierName": "string",
- "InvoiceSupplierNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceTotal": "string",
- "ModeOfPayment": "string",
- "Number": 0,
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Source": "manual",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WriteOffs": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
Number required | integer <int32> identifies the supplier invoice payment |
to update
object (fortnox_SupplierInvoicePayment) |
{- "SupplierInvoicePayment": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "AmountCurrency": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "Information": "string",
- "InvoiceDueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceOCR": "string",
- "InvoiceSupplierName": "string",
- "InvoiceSupplierNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceTotal": "string",
- "ModeOfPayment": "string",
- "Number": 0,
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Source": "manual",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WriteOffs": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
Number required | integer <int32> identifies the supplier invoice payment |
{- "SupplierInvoicePayment": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "AmountCurrency": 0.1,
- "Booked": true,
- "Currency": "str",
- "CurrencyRate": 0.1,
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "Information": "string",
- "InvoiceDueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceOCR": "string",
- "InvoiceSupplierName": "string",
- "InvoiceSupplierNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceTotal": "string",
- "ModeOfPayment": "string",
- "Number": 0,
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Source": "manual",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "WriteOffs": [
- {
- "AccountNumber": 1000,
- "Amount": 0.1,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Currency": "str",
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
Filter | Description |
cancelled | Retrieves all invoices with the status "cancelled". |
fullypaid | Retrieves all invoices that has been fully paid. |
unpaid | Retrieves all invoices that is unpaid. |
unpaidoverdue | Retrieves all invoices that is unpaid and overdue. |
unbooked | Retrieves all invoices that is unbooked. |
pendingpayment | Retrieves all invoices that has PaymentPending=true and is booked. |
authorizepending | Retrieves all invoices that has a waiting authorization pending. |
filter | string Enum: "cancelled" "fullypaid" "unpaid" "unpaidoverdue" "unbooked" "pendingpayment" "authorizepending" possibility to filter supplier invoices |
{- "SupplierInvoices": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "AuthorizerName": "string",
- "Balance": "string",
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancel": true,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": true,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": "string",
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ExternalInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceSeries": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "GivenNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "Number": 0,
- "ReferenceType": "string",
- "Series": "string",
- "Year": 0
supplier invoice to create
object (fortnox_SupplierInvoice) |
{- "SupplierInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "AdministrationFee": "string",
- "Balance": "string",
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": true,
- "CreditReference": 0,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": "string",
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ExternalInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceSeries": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": "string",
- "GivenNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "OCR": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PaymentPending": true,
- "Project": "string",
- "RoundOffValue": "string",
- "SalesType": "STOCK",
- "SupplierInvoiceRows": [
- {
- "Account": 1000,
- "AccountDescription": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Code": "TOT",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "CreditCurrency": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "DebitCurrency": 0.1,
- "ItemDescription": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0,
- "StockLocationCode": "string",
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string",
- "VATType": "NORMAL",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "Number": 0,
- "ReferenceType": "string",
- "Series": "string",
- "Year": 0
], - "YourReference": "string"
GivenNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the invoice |
{- "SupplierInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "AdministrationFee": "string",
- "Balance": "string",
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": true,
- "CreditReference": 0,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": "string",
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ExternalInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceSeries": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": "string",
- "GivenNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "OCR": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PaymentPending": true,
- "Project": "string",
- "RoundOffValue": "string",
- "SalesType": "STOCK",
- "SupplierInvoiceRows": [
- {
- "Account": 1000,
- "AccountDescription": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Code": "TOT",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "CreditCurrency": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "DebitCurrency": 0.1,
- "ItemDescription": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0,
- "StockLocationCode": "string",
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string",
- "VATType": "NORMAL",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "Number": 0,
- "ReferenceType": "string",
- "Series": "string",
- "Year": 0
], - "YourReference": "string"
GivenNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the invoice |
supplier invoice to update
object (fortnox_SupplierInvoice) |
{- "SupplierInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "AdministrationFee": "string",
- "Balance": "string",
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": true,
- "CreditReference": 0,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": "string",
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ExternalInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceSeries": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": "string",
- "GivenNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "OCR": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PaymentPending": true,
- "Project": "string",
- "RoundOffValue": "string",
- "SalesType": "STOCK",
- "SupplierInvoiceRows": [
- {
- "Account": 1000,
- "AccountDescription": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Code": "TOT",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "CreditCurrency": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "DebitCurrency": 0.1,
- "ItemDescription": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0,
- "StockLocationCode": "string",
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string",
- "VATType": "NORMAL",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "Number": 0,
- "ReferenceType": "string",
- "Series": "string",
- "Year": 0
], - "YourReference": "string"
GivenNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the invoice |
{- "SupplierInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "AdministrationFee": "string",
- "Balance": "string",
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": true,
- "CreditReference": 0,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": "string",
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ExternalInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceSeries": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": "string",
- "GivenNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "OCR": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PaymentPending": true,
- "Project": "string",
- "RoundOffValue": "string",
- "SalesType": "STOCK",
- "SupplierInvoiceRows": [
- {
- "Account": 1000,
- "AccountDescription": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Code": "TOT",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "CreditCurrency": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "DebitCurrency": 0.1,
- "ItemDescription": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0,
- "StockLocationCode": "string",
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string",
- "VATType": "NORMAL",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "Number": 0,
- "ReferenceType": "string",
- "Series": "string",
- "Year": 0
], - "YourReference": "string"
GivenNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the invoice |
{- "SupplierInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "AdministrationFee": "string",
- "Balance": "string",
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": true,
- "CreditReference": 0,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": "string",
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ExternalInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceSeries": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": "string",
- "GivenNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "OCR": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PaymentPending": true,
- "Project": "string",
- "RoundOffValue": "string",
- "SalesType": "STOCK",
- "SupplierInvoiceRows": [
- {
- "Account": 1000,
- "AccountDescription": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Code": "TOT",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "CreditCurrency": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "DebitCurrency": 0.1,
- "ItemDescription": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0,
- "StockLocationCode": "string",
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string",
- "VATType": "NORMAL",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "Number": 0,
- "ReferenceType": "string",
- "Series": "string",
- "Year": 0
], - "YourReference": "string"
GivenNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the invoice |
{- "SupplierInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "AdministrationFee": "string",
- "Balance": "string",
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": true,
- "CreditReference": 0,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": "string",
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ExternalInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceSeries": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": "string",
- "GivenNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "OCR": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PaymentPending": true,
- "Project": "string",
- "RoundOffValue": "string",
- "SalesType": "STOCK",
- "SupplierInvoiceRows": [
- {
- "Account": 1000,
- "AccountDescription": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Code": "TOT",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "CreditCurrency": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "DebitCurrency": 0.1,
- "ItemDescription": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0,
- "StockLocationCode": "string",
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string",
- "VATType": "NORMAL",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "Number": 0,
- "ReferenceType": "string",
- "Series": "string",
- "Year": 0
], - "YourReference": "string"
GivenNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the invoice |
{- "SupplierInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "AdministrationFee": "string",
- "Balance": "string",
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": true,
- "CreditReference": 0,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": "string",
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ExternalInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceSeries": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": "string",
- "GivenNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "OCR": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PaymentPending": true,
- "Project": "string",
- "RoundOffValue": "string",
- "SalesType": "STOCK",
- "SupplierInvoiceRows": [
- {
- "Account": 1000,
- "AccountDescription": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Code": "TOT",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "CreditCurrency": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "DebitCurrency": 0.1,
- "ItemDescription": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0,
- "StockLocationCode": "string",
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string",
- "VATType": "NORMAL",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "Number": 0,
- "ReferenceType": "string",
- "Series": "string",
- "Year": 0
], - "YourReference": "string"
The created credit invoice will be referenced in the property CreditReference.
GivenNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the invoice |
{- "SupplierInvoice": {
- "@url": "string",
- "AccountingMethod": "ACCRUAL",
- "AdministrationFee": "string",
- "Balance": "string",
- "Booked": true,
- "Cancelled": true,
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": true,
- "CreditReference": 0,
- "Currency": "string",
- "CurrencyRate": "string",
- "CurrencyUnit": 0.1,
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "DueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "ExternalInvoiceNumber": "string",
- "ExternalInvoiceSeries": "string",
- "FinalPayDate": "2019-08-24",
- "Freight": "string",
- "GivenNumber": "string",
- "InvoiceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "InvoiceNumber": "string",
- "OCR": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PaymentPending": true,
- "Project": "string",
- "RoundOffValue": "string",
- "SalesType": "STOCK",
- "SupplierInvoiceRows": [
- {
- "Account": 1000,
- "AccountDescription": "string",
- "ArticleNumber": "string",
- "Code": "TOT",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "CreditCurrency": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "DebitCurrency": 0.1,
- "ItemDescription": "string",
- "Price": 0.1,
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0,
- "StockLocationCode": "string",
- "StockPointCode": "string",
- "Total": 0.1,
- "TransactionInformation": "string",
- "Unit": "string"
], - "SupplierName": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "Total": "string",
- "VAT": "string",
- "VATType": "NORMAL",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "Number": 0,
- "ReferenceType": "string",
- "Series": "string",
- "Year": 0
], - "YourReference": "string"
The supplier register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a SupplierNumber in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a SupplierNumber will return a list of records.
{- "Suppliers": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "BG": "string",
- "BIC": "string",
- "BankAccountNumber": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "CountryCode": "st",
- "Currency": "str",
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "Email": "string",
- "IBAN": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "PG": "string",
- "Phone": "string",
- "PreDefinedAccount": "stri",
- "Project": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
{- "Supplier": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "BG": "string",
- "BIC": "string",
- "Bank": "string",
- "BankAccountNumber": "string",
- "BranchCode": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ClearingNumber": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "CountryCode": "st",
- "Currency": "str",
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "Email": "string",
- "Fax": "string",
- "IBAN": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurCustomerNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PG": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PreDefinedAccount": "stri",
- "Project": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "VATNumber": "string",
- "VATType": "string",
- "VisitingAddress": "string",
- "VisitingCity": "string",
- "VisitingCountry": "string",
- "VisitingCountryCode": "string",
- "VisitingZipCode": "string",
- "WWW": "string",
- "WorkPlace": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
SupplierNumber required | string identifies the supplier |
{- "Supplier": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "BG": "string",
- "BIC": "string",
- "Bank": "string",
- "BankAccountNumber": "string",
- "BranchCode": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ClearingNumber": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "CountryCode": "st",
- "Currency": "str",
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "Email": "string",
- "Fax": "string",
- "IBAN": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurCustomerNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PG": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PreDefinedAccount": "stri",
- "Project": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "VATNumber": "string",
- "VATType": "string",
- "VisitingAddress": "string",
- "VisitingCity": "string",
- "VisitingCountry": "string",
- "VisitingCountryCode": "string",
- "VisitingZipCode": "string",
- "WWW": "string",
- "WorkPlace": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
SupplierNumber required | string identifies the supplier |
to update
object (fortnox_Supplier) |
{- "Supplier": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Active": true,
- "Address1": "string",
- "Address2": "string",
- "BG": "string",
- "BIC": "string",
- "Bank": "string",
- "BankAccountNumber": "string",
- "BranchCode": "string",
- "City": "string",
- "ClearingNumber": "string",
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Country": "string",
- "CountryCode": "st",
- "Currency": "str",
- "DisablePaymentFile": true,
- "Email": "string",
- "Fax": "string",
- "IBAN": "string",
- "Name": "string",
- "OrganisationNumber": "string",
- "OurCustomerNumber": "string",
- "OurReference": "string",
- "PG": "string",
- "Phone1": "string",
- "Phone2": "string",
- "PreDefinedAccount": "stri",
- "Project": "string",
- "SupplierNumber": "string",
- "TermsOfPayment": "string",
- "VATNumber": "string",
- "VATType": "string",
- "VisitingAddress": "string",
- "VisitingCity": "string",
- "VisitingCountry": "string",
- "VisitingCountryCode": "string",
- "VisitingZipCode": "string",
- "WWW": "string",
- "WorkPlace": "string",
- "YourReference": "string",
- "ZipCode": "string"
Tax reductions resources
Filter | Description |
invoices | Retrieves all Tax reductions for invoices |
orders | Retrieves all Tax reductions for orders |
offers | Retrieves all Tax reductions for offers |
filter | string Enum: "invoices" "orders" "offers" possibility to filter tax reductions |
{- "TaxReductions": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ApprovedAmount": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "ReferenceDocumentType": "OFFER",
- "ReferenceNumber": 0,
- "SocialSecurityNumber": "stringstri"
Note that different types of tax reduction, i.e. ROT, RUT, or Green Technology, applications work differently. When creating an application for Green Technology, the field TaxReductionAmounts becomes mandatory as it is used to determine how much of the asked amount is intended for which type of work. Similarly, the AskedAmount field of the TaxReduction becomes optional, as it will always be considered to be equal to the sum of the TaxReductionAmounts.
For the other types, ROT and RUT, this field is not required and should be omitted.
Unlike earlier iterations of this endpoint, specifying the type of reduction for the provided TaxReduction (e.g. ROT, RUT, or Green) is not necessary as this value will always be equal to the type set on the provided document instead.
This endpoint can raise a variety of validation errors, some of which are only relevant for Green Technology applications. Those errors will always return an HTTP Code of 400 and include, but are not limited to, those shown below:
Error Code | Types | Description | Solution |
2000600 | ROT, RUT, GREEN | The provided Social Security Number is already in use for this document. | Verify that the Social Security Number is different from any other applicants already added. |
2004217, 2004218 | ROT, RUT, GREEN | The total asked amount of the application is either in an invalid format or is negative. | Verify that the AskedAmount-field is a positive number (0 is valid for Green Technology) and that it is an integer. |
2004209 | GREEN | The WorkType-field contains a work type that is not valid for the given type of reduction. | Ensure that the WorkType contains a valid type of work for Green Technology. |
2004263 | GREEN | The TaxReductionAmounts-field is missing for a Green Technology application. | Ensure that the field is included, that it is an array, and that each contained object denotes a specific type's asked amount. |
2004262 | GREEN | There are more than one object denoting the asked amount for the same type in the TaxReductionAmounts-field. | Ensure that there is only one object denoting the asked amount per type contained in the array. |
to create
required | object (fortnox_TaxReduction) |
{- "TaxReduction": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ApprovedAmount": 0.1,
- "AskedAmount": 1,
- "BilledAmount": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "PropertyDesignation": "string",
- "ReferenceDocumentType": "OFFER",
- "ReferenceNumber": "string",
- "RequestSent": true,
- "ResidenceAssociationOrganisationNumber": "string",
- "SocialSecurityNumber": "stringstri",
- "TaxReductionAmounts": [
- {
- "AskedAmount": 1,
- "WorkType": "SOLARCELLS"
], - "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
Id required | integer <int32> identifies the tax reduction |
{- "TaxReduction": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ApprovedAmount": 0.1,
- "AskedAmount": 1,
- "BilledAmount": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "PropertyDesignation": "string",
- "ReferenceDocumentType": "OFFER",
- "ReferenceNumber": "string",
- "RequestSent": true,
- "ResidenceAssociationOrganisationNumber": "string",
- "SocialSecurityNumber": "stringstri",
- "TaxReductionAmounts": [
- {
- "AskedAmount": 1,
- "WorkType": "SOLARCELLS"
], - "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
Id required | integer <int32> identifies the tax reduction |
to update
required | object (fortnox_TaxReduction) |
{- "TaxReduction": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ApprovedAmount": 0.1,
- "AskedAmount": 1,
- "BilledAmount": 0.1,
- "CustomerName": "string",
- "Id": 0,
- "PropertyDesignation": "string",
- "ReferenceDocumentType": "OFFER",
- "ReferenceNumber": "string",
- "RequestSent": true,
- "ResidenceAssociationOrganisationNumber": "string",
- "SocialSecurityNumber": "stringstri",
- "TaxReductionAmounts": [
- {
- "AskedAmount": 1,
- "WorkType": "SOLARCELLS"
], - "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
The terms of deliveries register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a Code in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a Code will return a list of records.
{- "TermsOfDeliveries": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "DescriptionEnglish": "string"
Code required | string identifies the terms of delivery |
to update
required | object (fortnox_TermsOfDelivery) |
{- "TermsOfDelivery": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "DescriptionEnglish": "string"
Code required | string identifies the term of payment |
term of payment to update
required | object (fortnox_TermsOfPayment) |
{- "TermsOfPayment": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string"
Provide an id matching an email to delete.
Id required | integer <int32> identifies the trusted email sender to delete |
{- "ErrorInformation": {
- "Code": 0,
- "Error": 0,
- "Message": "string"
The units register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a Code in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a Code will return a list of records.
{- "Units": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Code": "string",
- "CodeEnglish": "string",
- "Description": "string"
Year required | integer <int32> |
Month required | integer <int32> |
{- "VacationDebtBasis": {
- "Employees": [
- {
- "DaysEarned": 0.1,
- "DaysSaved": 0.1,
- "DaysUnused": 0.1,
- "DebtAdvance": 0.1,
- "DebtEarned": 0.1,
- "DebtSaved": 0.1,
- "DebtUnused": 0.1,
- "EmployeeId": "string",
- "EmployeeName": "string",
- "TotalDebtEmployee": 0.1,
- "TotalDebtEmployerContribution": 0.1,
- "VariableEarned": 0.1,
- "VariableUnused": 0.1,
- "WageEarned": 0.1,
- "WageSaved": 0.1,
- "WageUnused": 0.1
], - "LastDay": "2019-08-24",
- "Month": 0,
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0,
- "Year": 0
Voucher file connections resources
Search | Description |
voucheryear | Retrives voucher file connections by voucher year |
voucherdescription | Retrives voucher file connections by voucher description |
vouchernumber | Retrives voucher file connections by voucher number |
voucherseries | Retrives voucher file connections by voucher series |
The voucher file connections register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a FileId in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a FileId will return a list of records.
{- "VoucherFileConnections": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "FileId": "string",
- "VoucherDescription": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": "string",
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
to create
required | object (fortnox_VoucherFileConnection) |
{- "VoucherFileConnection": {
- "@url": "string",
- "FileId": "string",
- "VoucherDescription": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": "string",
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
FileId required | string identifies the voucher file connection |
{- "VoucherFileConnection": {
- "@url": "string",
- "FileId": "string",
- "VoucherDescription": "string",
- "VoucherNumber": "string",
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "VoucherYear": 0
Voucher Series resources
Search | Description |
lastmodified | Retrives Voucher Series modified after provided date and time |
Sort | Description |
code | Sorts Voucher Series according to code |
The voucher series register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a Code in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a Code will return a list of records.
{- "VoucherSeriesCollection": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Approver": {
- "Id": 0,
- "Name": "string"
}, - "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Manual": true,
- "Year": 0
to create
required | object (fortnox_VoucherSeries) |
{- "VoucherSeries": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Approver": {
- "Id": 0,
- "Name": "string"
}, - "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Manual": true,
- "NextVoucherNumber": 0,
- "Year": 0
Code required | string identifies the voucher series |
{- "VoucherSeries": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Approver": {
- "Id": 0,
- "Name": "string"
}, - "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Manual": true,
- "NextVoucherNumber": 0,
- "Year": 0
Code required | string identifies the voucher series |
to update
required | object (fortnox_VoucherSeries) |
{- "VoucherSeries": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Approver": {
- "Id": 0,
- "Name": "string"
}, - "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Manual": true,
- "NextVoucherNumber": 0,
- "Year": 0
Voucher resources
Search | Description |
lastmodified | Retrives Vouchers modified after provided date and time |
costcenter | Retrives Vouchers by costcenter |
fromdate | Retrives Vouchers starting from provided date |
todate | Retrives Vouchers until provided date todate |
voucherseries | Retrives Vouchers by Voucher Series |
Sort | Description |
referencenumber | Sorts vouchers according to referencenumber |
referencetype | Sorts vouchers according to referencetype |
vouchernumber | Sorts vouchers according to vouchernumber |
voucherseries | Sorts vouchers according to voucherseries |
Note that vouchers have two keys, one for voucher series and one for voucher number. The financial year is also specified for each voucher, this is due to the same voucher series and number is used each year. To get a unique voucher you need the voucher series, the voucher number and the financial year. These properties will always be returned where ever vouchers is used.
financialyear | integer <int32> filter on financial year |
{- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ApprovalState": 0,
- "Comments": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "ReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ReferenceType": "INVOICE",
- "TransactionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "Year": 0
The created voucher will be returned if everything succeeded, if there was any problems an error will be returned. If no query param is used the voucher will be created in the preselected financial year. Go to the financialyears endpoint to read on how to retreive the Financial year id.
financialyear | integer <int32> Financial year id, used to determine which financial year the voucher is created in |
voucher to create
object (fortnox_Voucher) |
{- "Voucher": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ApprovalState": 0,
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "ReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ReferenceType": "INVOICE",
- "TransactionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherRows": [
- {
- "Account": 1000,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0.1,
- "Removed": true,
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 1000,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0.1,
- "Removed": true,
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "Year": 0
{- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ApprovalState": 0,
- "Comments": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "ReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ReferenceType": "INVOICE",
- "TransactionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "Year": 0
VoucherSeries required | string identifies the voucher series |
financialyear | integer <int32> filter on financial year |
{- "Vouchers": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "ApprovalState": 0,
- "Comments": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "ReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ReferenceType": "INVOICE",
- "TransactionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "Year": 0
VoucherSeries required | string identifies the voucher series |
VoucherNumber required | integer <int32> identifies the voucher number |
financialyear | integer <int32> filter on financial year |
{- "Voucher": {
- "@url": "string",
- "ApprovalState": 0,
- "Comments": "string",
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "ReferenceNumber": "string",
- "ReferenceType": "INVOICE",
- "TransactionDate": "2019-08-24",
- "VoucherNumber": 0,
- "VoucherRows": [
- {
- "Account": 1000,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0.1,
- "Removed": true,
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
}, - {
- "Account": 1000,
- "CostCenter": "string",
- "Credit": 0.1,
- "Debit": 0.1,
- "Description": "string",
- "Project": "string",
- "Quantity": 0.1,
- "Removed": true,
- "TransactionInformation": "string"
], - "VoucherSeries": "string",
- "Year": 0
The way of delivery register can return a list of records or a single record. By specifying a Code in the URL, a single record will be returned. Not specifying a Code will return a list of records.
{- "WayOfDeliveries": [
- {
- "@url": "string",
- "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "DescriptionEnglish": "string"
Code required | string identifies the way of delivery |
way of delivery to update
object (fortnox_WayOfDelivery) |
{- "WayOfDelivery": {
- "@url": "string",
- "Code": "string",
- "Description": "string",
- "DescriptionEnglish": "string"
Attach/Detach files to entities.
Possible 400 response error codes: no_attachment_provided, mixed_documents, wrong_file_location, wrong_file_type, could_not_retrieve_document, file_too_big, too_many_attachments_in_one_request, max_total_attachments_exceeded, attachment_files_max_count_exceeded, attachment_files_max_size_exceeded, attachment_files_max_pages_exceeded, field_not_writable, mismatch_attachment_id, missing_mandatory_field
Possible 404 response error codes: file_not_found, document_not_found, attachment_not_found
entityid required | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] ids of the entities whose attachments should be fetched |
entitytype required | string Enum: "OF" "O" "F" "C" "LGR_IO" "LGR_IG" type of the entities whose attachments should be fetched |
{- "entityId": 0,
- "entityType": "OF",
- "fileId": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "includeOnSend": true
A list of attachments
entityId | integer <int64> |
entityType | string Enum: "OF" "O" "F" "C" "LGR_IO" "LGR_IG" |
fileId | string |
id | string <uuid> |
includeOnSend | boolean |
{- "entityId": 0,
- "entityType": "OF",
- "fileId": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "includeOnSend": true
entityids required | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] ids of the entities to look for number of attachments on |
entitytype required | string Enum: "OF" "O" "F" "C" "LGR_IO" "LGR_IG" type of the entities to look for number of attachments on |
{- "entityId": 0,
- "numberOfAttachments": 0
a list of Attachments
entityId | integer <int64> |
entityType | string Enum: "OF" "O" "F" "C" "LGR_IO" "LGR_IG" |
fileId | string |
id | string <uuid> |
includeOnSend | boolean |
{- "error": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "message": "string"
attachmentId required | string <uuid> id of the attachment to be updated |
an attachment
entityId | integer <int64> |
entityType | string Enum: "OF" "O" "F" "C" "LGR_IO" "LGR_IG" |
fileId | string |
id | string <uuid> |
includeOnSend | boolean |
{- "entityId": 0,
- "entityType": "OF",
- "fileId": "string",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "includeOnSend": true
[- {
- "comment": "string",
- "companyEmployeeRange": "string",
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "integrationId": 0,
- "isMyRating": true,
- "rating": 0,
- "ratingId": 0,
- "response": {
- "comment": "string",
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
appId required | string clientId of the integration to look up sales information for |
{- "appId": "string",
- "tenants": [
- {
- "purchases": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "identifier": "string",
- "purchaseTime": { }
], - "tenantId": "string",
- "terminations": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "identifier": "string",
- "onCancellationTime": { }
], - "users": [
- {
- "activationTime": { },
- "email": "string",
- "externalSourceId": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "userType": "string"
appId required | string clientId of the integration to look up sales information for |
tenantId required | integer <int64> tenantId of the tenant to look up sales information for |
{- "appId": "string",
- "tenants": [
- {
- "purchases": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "identifier": "string",
- "purchaseTime": { }
], - "tenantId": "string",
- "terminations": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "identifier": "string",
- "onCancellationTime": { }
], - "users": [
- {
- "activationTime": { },
- "email": "string",
- "externalSourceId": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "userType": "string"